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- 14 replies
I hope you have had a lovely day, wherever you may be!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_64, -
Good Ideas Welcome Here!
by Guest- 18 replies
Hi. My daugher has an interview at Gloucester Uni (Cheltenham) next saturday for Primary Ed. She has a 5 minute presentation to give. They say: 'For your presentation, bring an item that you might use with a group of children to encourage them to learn. During your presentation you should explain why you have chosen your item, what age children you would use it with and how you would use it to help children to learn something. Be prepared to discuss the relationship between teaching and learning.' When we went for the open day the lecturer made reference to a candidate last year to brought a potato as her object. Some of the learning opportunities she drew out…
Children's Toilets
by Guest- 11 replies
i have been searching the net for a while and not getting very far when i suddenly thought of asking my very knowledgeable forum friends! i am going to be able to build toilets at our setting (at the moment we share the toilets with anyone else who is using the community centre as well as them being the other end of the building, a bug bare for far too long but the end is in sight!) i am after a company who sell children's sanitary ware. Has anyone ever had to buy children's toilets/ hand basins, cubicles, nappy changing facilities? if so i would be very greatful if you could pass on the name of website or company
Last reply by AnonyMouse_7172, -
by Guest- 10 replies
Hi can anyone help please? We are considering going to Florida for 2 weeks in summer but not sure where would be best to stay and also best value. It would only be 2 adults so I presume its best just to have room in hotel and not have an apartment that all seem to be at least 2 bedroomed. Which is best area to stay and is it advisable to purchase a pass for a week for all the theme parks, shows etc. Also want to relax so dont want to be at the attractions all the time. Has anyone been recently ? Thank you
Help On Social Grouping In The 80's 1 2
by Guest- 36 replies
Hi All - just because it is January and my head full of work, my daughter is interviewing me for her Alevel Sociology and wants to know what social grouping I was ............... I was really into banana rama (spelt wrong I am sure) - dressed in their clothes had mad hair - so what social group was I - was I on the fringe of New Romantics - on a lighter note what were all of you.....Dot
Last reply by AnonyMouse_75, -
- 58 replies
So it seems like only yesterday that I was making my 4,000th post and here I am making my 5,000th! I've been thinking and thinking about how to use it (have you noticed how quiet I've been?). Mrs Weasley suggested I use it to tell you all how wonderful she is - but then you are all aware that she is as wonderful as she is modest. I wanted to counteract the general doom and gloom that's around at the moment and so I thought of setting a light hearted question (but one that doesn't include bras, mummyspud!). Then this morning inspiration struck in the form of Terry Wogan. Apparently there had been an accident this morning involving a lorry load of hay be…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_8466, -
Does any one ever come and chat?Is there a certain time?
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1027, -
- 8 replies
Have a wonderful day both of you.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1027, -
What A Week!
by Guest- 8 replies
So, I start the week off in relatively good form.... an impromtu notice of the fact that I passed one of 2 essays which combined to make the first module of my degree course that I began in September. (second one not marked yet) YAY!!!! It went downhill from there....... to be told of the changes to how nursery monies will be paid for the LA nurseries and my head talking to me about feasability and worries over jobs!!!! I pick myself up from this one and then yesterday school got THE phone call. Ofsted in Weds and Thurs next week!!!!!! One half of my job, the private provision side only had a 2 day inspection in May 08 but we believe that we will be do…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_13453, -
- 4 replies
- 262 views Just come acroos this on the BBC, I remember singing about shaving with the rusty razor, beating him senseless and put him in the hold with the captains daughter; though I didn't have a clue what that really meant. Karrie