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- 7 replies
Many happy returns to you both!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1027, -
- 9 replies
Have a wonderful day.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_8623, -
Not A Good Start To 2009
by Guest MaryEMac- 26 replies
First week into 2009, I had a tooth out. It hurt for a week but then it was ok. Now I've got Labyrinthitis, which is an inner ear infection. It has affected my balance and I am really dizzy. I swear that someone has made my stairs out of jelly, That's what it feels like and I think it is seeping over the floors too. The worst thing is that it has caused me to have a bad attack of tinnitus. I only have one good ear and that is the one with the noise. It isn't as bad as it was at the weekend, on friday night the noise actually woke me up. Dr has given me something to help with the dizziness but it is the tinnitus that bothers me. I am off work but have made a start on the …
Last reply by AnonyMouse_8466, -
- 22 replies
Have a fab day and many happy returns!
What A Day!
by Guest- 28 replies
So today: Our Chair has declared that she has just started her 7th week of medical treatment for depression and is hoping it will soon start to work. Our new member of staff has told us that her sister has been diagnosed with breast cancer and is having an op tomorrow. A parent has said her brother-in law has just been diagnosed with Leukemia so she may be away from home for a while and 'possibly can't do her parent rota session' (I told her to cross it off her list and not to worry unless coming in would take her mind off things!) We are learning about Chinese New Year this week and have a 'Wishing tree', her child wished 'that everybody would be happy' and M…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1027, -
Nursery World Show 1 2
by Guest- 2 followers
- 42 replies
OK, I'm in the land of the living and wide awake now. The day started well, Cirhhosa1 and I travelling up by train. The 'tone' of my meeting with fellow FSFer's began on my arrival with HappyMaz phoning my mobile as I'm sat on the loo (long train journey with large cup of tea ). Our day started with HappyMaz, Cirhhosa1 and I attending the SEF Seminar, lots of notes taken and an email address given so we can get a copy of the powerpoint presentation. I shall ask the author if I can share the presentation and upload it to the FSF. :wacko: I was surprised at the numbers attending, quite low I thought, but maybe everyone went on the Friday. We all got freeby ba…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_8466, -
A Short Stay In Switzerland
by Guest Wolfie- 15 replies
Did anyone else watch this last night? In my opinion, the best piece of new drama that I have seen for years - Julie Walters should undoubtedly be nominated for awards for her performance in my opinion. Twenty four hours later I am still pondering the moral dilemmas and issues that the storyline raised.
- 13 replies
Went into town today for the first time since Christmas, and it is really empty and noticeable how many shops are no longer around. We have lost Whittards, Woolies, Adams, MKOne, Officers Club,ELC shop closed and relocated into Mothercare but is ssooo much smaller and seems to cater more for the babies and toddlers now, very little for the pre-school age child in there.... Other local shops are also closed, Out of town Iceland has gone along with the MFI, those are only the ones I have noticed. But we have had yet another food/ snack shop open, Just seemed very quiet for a Friday morning.....but the budget food shops are another story... we have alway…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_10355, -
- 8 replies
Many happy returns to you both...............hope you're enjoying your special day!
- 22 replies
I just though I should pass this on to you all. Today at the Nursery World show there was a NHS stand, and to my surprise the lady told me I was still able to have the HPV vaccine if I had it done soon. I was totally unaware that they would be offering it to everyone age 13-18 at some point, as it's always advertised as being for 13-14 year olds. I just went on the NHS website and had a quick read about it and it says that girls aged 17 - 18 will be able to have the vaccine after Autumn 09 and girls aged 15 - 16 will be able to have the vaccine after Autumn 2010. So really there's no rush but I just felt I should pass this on as I had no idea until today! So …