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- 38 replies
I did put a this on Peggy's post but thought to save it getting too confusing should start my own. I have also been in Hosp since new year and only came out on same day as Peggy. Have only just found myself able to look into the forum... mine involved major surgery but now have like you an enforced 3 months minimum of doing nowt. I am unable to even lift a kettle for 6 weeks! Most I can do is a daily short walk , luckily in the village corner shop is within reach, with help at moment but possible alone eventually if hubby lets me. Will eventually get round to popping in more, but currently find tired very quickly, so will be off to bed soon again! Inge
- 38 replies
Sorry, but I have to ask because it's driving me mad, Maz has a lovely bright red 'panic button' icon and now Mrs Weasley appears to have the same 'panic button' plastered over her face on her icon. Am I missing something? Is it a secret code? Maybe it's a secret club, but if it was surely Hali and Cait would be partakers too? Please don't tell me there's been a falling out! And yes I'm sure there's plenty of other things I should be concerned about at 1.30 in the morning but hey ho! Karrie
Last reply by AnonyMouse_64, -
Yippppppppppppppppeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. KCC have finally signed up to FSF.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_64, -
Wellbeing And Involvemnet
by Guest- 2 replies
Was anybody else lucky enough to go to the seminar in Canterbury last night by Prof. Ferre Laevers? I thouroughly enjoyed it and found it a great insight to watch this man's enthusiasm about his research.
by Guest- 4 replies
Hi hope someone can help - just before Christmas I found a link to a website that had bamboo drainpipes and other outdoor activities. Have done several searches but cannot find it again. Can anyone help me find it. Thanks
Putting Photos On To Forum
by Guest- 23 replies
help! i don't know how to download/upload photos onto the forum i wanted to show a display that we created and can't do it, if anyone has got the time to explain it to me i'd be very greatful! x
Last reply by AnonyMouse_13453, -
- 15 replies
I joined this excellent froum 1 year ago to the day!! It seems like I have known you all much longer. I have learned so much from you all over this year. My only question is: HOW DID I GET BY WITHOUT YOU ALL????
- 23 replies
I apaid around £8.00 to have a package delivered GUARENTEED by 1pm today and I'm still waiting. I hate it when that happens. Why do we as a people stand for this sort of thing. If I could put my hands round someones neck I'd squeeze really hard. No wages today ether so the bargin turns out to be not one. I'm hopping mad.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_13453, -
- 1 follower
- 125 replies
Right, I didn't know where to put this, so here it is! You know the column on the right hand side of all the thread titles, there's the circle with the F in, which tells you whether there are new posts etc? Well what's the red dot for on some of them?! I looked at the bottom at the little codey thing, but the red dot isn't on any of those! Can anyone help me? It's bugging me! haha
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1027, -
- 10 replies
Many happy returns to both of you.....have a wonderful day!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1027,