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Penguin Song
by Guest- 6 replies
I attended a music course many years ago, and learnt a song about penguins, I was asked yesterday how it goes and can I for the life of me remember - NO Anyway, it starts off something like this: Have you ever seen a penguin out to tea take a look at me a penguin you will see Penguin attention ............ Thats all I can remember: Whilst singing it, you waddle around like a penguin. Can anyone help .................. please
Happy Easter!
by Guest- 21 replies
Just in case you need to be prepared!!!! Look here! Linda Just ignore this second link-it didn't work first time and now I can't delete it!!! Look here!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1027, -
Thank You Thank You Thank You 1 2 3
by Guest- 1 follower
- 87 replies
THANK YOU to my Hubby, Dave for getting past his forum phobia and letting Steve know how I've been doing. THANK YOU Steve for keeping everyone informed about my illness. THANK YOU to all you wonderful people for your get well messages, which have bought a happy tear to my eye. To update you all, I'm still in hospital, Hubby bought me a new laptop for xmas and tonight he got me a doogle (I think that's what its' called) so that I could have mobile internet access. I became ill on Sun 28th at 5:30am, abdominal pains, long story short we got an ambulance at 9:30am, lady was quite rude saying I most probably just had a tummy bug. :wacko: Dave couldn't take me to h…
Last reply by Steve, -
- 11 replies
Happy birthday to you......hope you have a great day!
Weird Dream!
by Guest- 25 replies
Either I'm watching too many game shows, or spending too much time on here But last night I had a dream that Mrs Weasly, (sorry Mrs Weasley) was taking part in total wipe out It was really weird, and no sorry, you didn't win jackie. I'm a bit worried really, do you think I'm a little strange??
Last reply by AnonyMouse_6361, -
Outdoor Activities
by Guest- 13 replies
Morning! I am in the middle of planning my weeks activities based on the topic of snow and ice. I wondered if anyone had any ideas on outside activities. We have a water tray outside and the children can freely use the bikes and bats and balls etc. Has anyone got any other ideas of things they use on a regular basis? thank you
- 3 replies
Can anyone help? A job has come up at a local special needs school and I would love it. But i am a little stuck I can cover the Early years part no probs, got 2 years experience. I need to sell myself, i currently work for a supply agency and I need to in essence write about my roles/duties ect but i don't have a jon description iykwim. I mainly work with autistic children and i love it but how do i begin to explain what i actually do. I'm hopeless at applications and selling myself lol which is probs why i never get interviews Does anyone have a job description for a teaching assistant? Even better if its for special needs, espicially autisim? …
Last reply by AnonyMouse_7356, -
- 10 replies
Hi there just enquiring whether anyone out there is doing supply. I am considering my future... getting a bit fed up and feel the need to change. Need to know the ins and outs of supply. Is there anyone that has gone it alon and not gone through an agency? I know a few schools that I have good contacts with that could use me but can I do this without a middleman e.g. agency. What are the rates for an experienced teacher, what do I need to consider e.g. what costs would I incur (how do I sort out tax and NI, union rates, etc) Anyone out there able to enlilghten me from this dark passage I'm in
Last reply by AnonyMouse_2157, -
- 15 replies
Have a wonderful day.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1326, -
- 4 replies
Hi everyone. After a recent thread i subscribed to eye. i just wondered if anyone can tell me when it is published or when i might receive it?? Thanks xx
Last reply by AnonyMouse_8466,