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- 18 replies
I went out with my friend on Friday night, to a small Irish bar near us. We've been before and always had a great time. This time was different. While my friend was away at the loo, the man next to me tried to take her drink. I stopped him with a smile and he apologised. My friend (who is 4 years younger than me) came back. The man said to me 'Is this your friend or your DAUGHTER?' I like to think he was drunk and got confused with the usual line of 'Is this your friend or your mom?' I am, quite rightly, in high umbridge. I am shocked at the rudeness, confused as to how the remark could have been made, given that I look younger than he suposed and I feel cheated th…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_8466, -
- 18 replies
Many happy returns to you Shirel. Enjoy your special day!!
by Guest- 19 replies
Help all you brilliant cooks. I have been making pastry and mince pies for many many years with brill results. But the last year or two (and especially this year) the pastry has not 'worked'. It is very very soft and difficult to handle and when cooked is doughy instead of flaky and light. So many batches have ended up in the bin. Any suggestions? ps I have tried all different sorts of fat by with no success. This dod not used to be the case!!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_13453, -
- 34 replies
Hi - In all my years of being a Leonard Cohen fan (since 1979) I've never met another, so I suppose the chances of anyone being interested in this program are slim... However, there was an excellent interview with the great man last night on Front Row (radio 4). You can find it here - click on the Monday Listen Again button for the program for the next seven days. And for those to whom I've revealed entirely too much about myself with this confession - apologies!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_8466, -
- 1 follower
- 43 replies
went to hospital for the unveiling of my boobs and results of what they took away last week..............and sadly, it wasn't as good news as i'd hoped for.The nasty little beast has moved into my lymph nodes, so i will now definately need chemotherapy, followed by radiotherapy and more surgery then to remove all the lymph nodes in my right armpit.Lovely surgeon was sad to give me the news, but it is what it is and not his fault!I shall need some warm hats for the spring chill as all my hair will definately go, so watch out for funky me! Surgeon says i have 70/80% chance of surviving for the next ten years,so that should see me right, as I reckon new treatments are coming…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_12969, -
- 13 replies
Many happy returns for today...................hope it was a wonderful one, for the both of you!!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_6021, -
- 63 replies
Would you like a chance to win a wonderful Fsf mug or badge? :wacko: Well, it might be your lucky month! This is the first of our new monthly competitions where you will have the opportunity of winning a mug (1st prize) or a badge (Runners up prize). So get your creative heads in gear, because you’re going to need them this month. We all know the Christmas song, Away in a Manger. However, we would like you to come up with your own lyrics to the tune for our December competition. The content can be anything of your choosing as long as it can be sung to the tune! As a very bad example (please forgive me but I have literally made this up in the last 30 min…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_64, -
- 3 replies
In all the years I've been doing Preschool - since 1990, We've never had a child at Preschool with a broken limb. However, since EYFS became mandatory, we've had 3! All happened out of Preschool, but are we encouraging children to be more adventurous in their play - to the extent that we were at children? Should we be shouting 'hooray' that children are learning about taking risks? All tongue in cheek of course - but it does seem odd that we've had 3 since September!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_13453, -
- 3 replies
good programme on about Piaget
- 3 replies
Hi All, Just wonderred if any one can help. Im would like to carry out a risk assessment for a childs medical needs in our setting and wondered if anyone has already completed one that i could have a peek at please Many Thanks O40
Last reply by AnonyMouse_10618,