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- 7 replies
ok, here's the secenario: other setting in the village and our group don't really get on (long story, too boring, but problems NOT of our making!). We have tried, without success, to build bridges and have offered all kinds of things to try to work togther, and allways been met with a brick wall. Now, at the end of the summer term, i wrote to the committee chair of the other group, saying how good it would be if we could work together, in fact, it is now a requirement of the EYFS that we should, where we share children etc, and i offered to get togehter with their staff and ours, at a mutually convenient time and place, to discuss, in particular, Learning Journeys, so we…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_8466, -
- 7 replies
Just wanted to say a big Thank You to HappyMaz who gave me a tremendous amount of information for my research dissertation...It must have taken a lot of time and effort to upload all those documents and I'm extremely grateful. Thank you HappyMaz :wacko: (I thought I'd start this thread just incase anyone else wanted to say Thank You to anyone on the forum) I hope noone minds
Last reply by AnonyMouse_8466, -
by Guest- 13 replies
Hi Can i just ask if you have free milk for the children in your pre-schools. we do but just recently it has changed to semi-skimmed milk instead of full fat, i thought children should have full fat milk... just wondered what others have?
- 45 replies
I've given in to christmas early this year as I'm leaving the country in 18 days time for a christmas in central america so I'm not putting any decorations up as it seems daft. I can't wait for my holiday though! I worked all through half term so it really feels like ages since I stopped and drew breath. So i've updated my avatar to it's christmas version - hopefully we'll see them all appearing soon....................And then the christmas banner will come out!!!! (steve???) Cx
Last reply by AnonyMouse_2732, -
Need A Little Help Please.......
by Guest- 2 replies
Hi Our church is planning a Children's holiday club for 3 days over February half-term 10.00 a.m.-2.00 p.m. Do you know what the regulations are with regard to registering with Ofsted etc? Thanks
Last reply by AnonyMouse_75, -
- 9 replies
Have a super day!
- 1 follower
- 7 replies
Hello everyone, I haven't posted on here for ages. Ella is now 7 months old, how time flies! She is not a good sleeper so I barely have any time at night. She suffers from trapped wind and was waking 9 or 10 times a night!!! Now it's around 5 which is a big improvement but I'm so tired. Ryan has just turned 3 and is so sweet but definitely has his moments. I am on maternity leave until Easter when I will hopefully return to my school covering PPA for a day and a half. I am also going to do some hours at my mum's pre-school and we are going to apply for the graduate leader fund. I am now in the process of applying for EYPS that I am hoping to start in January. My t…
Last reply by Helen, -
Christmas Hols
by Guest- 14 replies
Yipee, we break up on Friday 12th and don't start back until 12th January 2009! We did our first ever nativity play today in the church and the parents loved it , they are all hoping we will do it again next year I'm so looking forward to a well earned break. It's seems to have been so busy this term. We will lose 12 to school this time and then next September we lose 24 , Don't know what we will do for children after that, we will all be fighting for the same kids I think. Anyway, for those that break up soon, have a good break and for those that don't break up till christmas eve then keep your chin up, it wont be long!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_64, -
- 4 replies
Sorry am I being dense but I have been sent an E-mail saying my subscription needs to be renewed but i don't seem to be able to find where I have to renew it ! I have been to my control panel and looked at my subscription info but I just don't know where I've got to pay !
Last reply by Steve, -
- 10 replies
Many happy returns to both of you. Have a wonderful day!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_8466,