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- 10 replies
Have a fantastic day folks.........wherever you are!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_6361, -
- 7 replies
Please have a look at this site and if you feel you can, please sign their petition against violence against women and the spread of HIV and Aids.
- 17 replies
Have a wonderful day all of you
Ppa Query
by Guest- 6 replies
Hello all.... Have just been told that I am now in charge of our SSC as from JAn for how long, who knows.....??!!!!!I am also the INCO and at the moment as I teach 5 days I get 1 day every 2 weeks for PPA time. From Jan I will be teaching 4 days with 1 day for INCO work. Therefore I have been told that I am entitled to PPA based upon 4 days teaching, half a day every 2 weeks. If this is what it is so be it. BUT our Senior Teavher has 1 day leadership a week AND 1 whole day PPA every 2 weeks. Equality? I don't think so. Advice please. I am going to ask my union , but before I stick my foot in it, what do the rest of you think??
Last reply by AnonyMouse_73, -
- 4 replies
I forgot to post this earlier. On our way home from shopping this morning. We were sat in a que of traffic at a roundabout, there are houses on the roadside. A boy racer (for better a word) drove very fast, then drove on the pavement to park AND drove into a parked 4x4! Lukly there were no injuries. But it was very funny, lot of people started laughing who saw it. I have no idea how he managed not to damaged his car or injure himself. Beth
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1027, -
- 4 replies
Have a lovely day.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_8466, -
Don't Mean To Moan
by Guest- 27 replies
Sorry don't mean to moan but has this suddenly become the site for Milton Keynes Early Years? I know they are posting alot of informative posts but is this really the place to be advertising what is coming up and what you can offer etc etc? Or am I just irritated as I'm having a bad day (which I am by the way lol!)
Last reply by AnonyMouse_8623, -
Grrr I'm So Angry
by Guest- 29 replies
Joe, my husband, went out to work this morning, only to come straight back in. Someone had stolen his car from outside our house overnight. He's devastated and I'm just so angry. He has to send in all his documents and keys to the insurance company but no replacement car for him from the insurance, which I can kind of understand. Also been a strange guy on the road this morning which we've also reported but by the time we had he'd gone. He'd been walking up and down the road for about 45 minutes. Then he got in a car, which drove him about 8 houses down and then he got out again, walked up to the road and back and then back in the car and went off. I took down the car…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_8282, -
Thank You!
by Guest- 4 replies
Just thought I'd say thanks and show off my lovely gift. I did also get a badge but I've already put that somewhere else!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_8466, -
Where's Hairymclairy Gone?
by Guest- 18 replies
Tried to send a pm to hairymclairy and its telling me i cant.....wonder if shes ok.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1027,