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- 14 replies
Birthday greetings going to Lesley Tupper and ems! Have a wonderful day and enjoy any celebrations you may have planned.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_6021, -
by Guest- 1 follower
- 8 replies
Hi Did put this under 'childrens Centre's@ a few days ago but I got no response. I would really appreciate a bit of advice about an interview that I have tomorrow, its for a creche supervisor in a Children's centre. They have asked that I prepare an activity for under 5's. That is all the information they gave. It doesnt state for how many children, what their ages are or whether it should be a table top activity or a circle time activity. I have borrowed some bells and shakers and thought they could be used by either months olds or 4 year olds? They could go on a table top or be used in circle time!?? I also have loads of lovely stories, and puppets, so …
Last reply by AnonyMouse_79, -
- 13 replies
I hope that you are having a lovely and relaxing day.
Fruit Donations
by Guest- 4 replies
when putting the fruit basket laden with fruit brought in by the children into the fridge, i suddenly thought i need to say a big thank you to all who gave me the advise, back in May i wrote about fruit and how expensive it is and how not being on a school site i couldn't have free fruit from the goverment. well i decided to go for the bring fruit to pre school option, how i went about this was i sent out the newsletter asking for the children to send 1 piece of fruit per week if they wished to add to the fruit basket for snack. it has been a huge success much better than i could have imagined! not only is the basket being topped up but we have had dad's printing things …
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1027, -
- 1 follower
- 32 replies
im sorry - but am so upset - how could after Victoria and all that the government promised could this happen again? unbelievable! all those visits to hospital - 60 visits from SS!!!!!!!
- 12 replies
Well I thought I would update you about my new job as I have more new details So I work Monday to Thursday mornings with Fridays at college. The maximum number of children they can have is 18 2-5 years old per session but at the moment there is only 7 to 9 children in the morning and 2 -5 children in the afternoon (when someome takes over from me sort of). There are more children to start after chrismas I think. It turns out that I am the deputy preschool leader and the person I am covering for maternity leave would like a year off and I may have a job there as assistant if the numbers pick up when she is back. Oh and it was fun this morning, we only had 7 …
Last reply by AnonyMouse_6361, -
The Things We Have To Do!
by Guest- 14 replies
Just thought Id share my funny moment with you all! Decided after reading some posts a few weeks ago to put large ice cubes in the water tray next week. So i dutifully filled up my ice cream containers and added red food colouring to them and put them in the freezer about 2 hours ago. Unfortunatley I forgot to tell my other half what I have done. He has just gone to the freezer to get something out and dislodged one of my cartons (which I clearly hadnt put the lid on properly) and we have just spent the last 10 minutes trying to mop up loads and loads of bright red water from the floor and the insides of the freezer - i have ruined 5 tea towels and only just stopped the d…
Door Mat Especially For Christmas
by Guest- 18 replies
I'm sure no one is the slightest bit interested, but..... I have just been to the garden centre and bought a door mat that says, ' Santa please call' I'm going to put it by the front door when my girls are due home from uni for the holidays, ( they are 21 & 19) Sad I know, but I'm so excited jackie.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1027, -
- 18 replies
This is my 1000th post! I can't believe that I have reached my 1000th post. I have really enjoyed making each and every post over the past 10 months. I don't know what I used to do with the hours that I spend on here every day!! I'm sure it wasn't as constructive as this!! I look forward to the next 1000!! Thanks to everyone for sharing such great ideas and experiences!!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1027, -
- 1 follower
- 43 replies
Ive started a new thread for this so as to keep the main quiz going. here you can have one guess at the amount maz spent at Ikea last night. We know it was less than 300, that 140 was warmer and 168 was colder. Guesses so far have been mrs weasley £293.73 dublinbay 140 Geradline 169.98 hammered 43 Beau..closer to 300 hali 137 Peggy 126 JMB 159 Nichola £217 Please add your amount..
Last reply by AnonyMouse_79,