Staff Lounge
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5,928 topics in this forum
The Most Amazing Clip.....
by Guest- 10 replies
Saw this today and thought you'd like to see it too!
- 6 replies
We've just found out we're in line to receive a grant of up to £2,500 to replace and buy new equipment. I know there have been a few discussions in the past about what resources/equipment people would recommend but even though I've searched I can't find any! We know what we what to update/replace but just want ideas of possible new equipment, hopefully storage won't be an issue as we're also in line for a refurbishment grant for the church halls we use. Could anyone please let me know what their wish list includes or post a link to previous discussions please. Thank-you Karrie
- 17 replies
For some reason i have to log in every time i visit!! Never used to do does anyone know why? and how i can fix the problem? I have ticked the box to keep me logged in. Many thanks Andrea
Last reply by AnonyMouse_2846, -
- 49 replies
i have a 10 year old doing his sats in a couple of weeks, poor thing he is soo upset and stressed already!! his teacher gave them 3 peices of revision style homework (test paper type) taking about 45 mins a piece to do over the easter holidays. i thought this was a bit off as its holidays but got him to do as much as we decide appropriate. yesterday he arrives home in tears as he and one other were humiliated in front of the class because they hadn't done another piece of homework which they'd forgotton about!! he really didn't want to go to school today but rightly or wrongly i told him that the SATs didn't really matter. i feel so bad for him....though as i believe it…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1027, -
Learning Journey-pilot
by Guest- 13 replies
I have been asked to take part in a pilot sceme for a learning journey - early years foundation stage record of achievement. As there has been discussions on learning journeys and how to set them out etc, I thought you may be interested on the lay out of this one. The first page is a settling in period-up to six weeks from starting date. Sub titles include- Confidence to leave parent/carer (Developing self-confidence, independence. Developing ability to make choices, relationships with adults and children, developing ability to share, take turns, self help skills.) Developing ability to communicate (language spoken) Developing interests in activities and equipmen…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_3448, -
I Need To Vent!
by Guest- 8 replies
Hello everyone, I feel like I need to let off some steam! Ok.... I've just started my final placement in my BA QTS, but it is my first placement in a KS1 class- I have always had FS placements. Since I told my school that that was the case it hasn't been the same and now I feel like I'm being treated as an inexperienced Yr1 student when I'm a Yr4. Maybe I'm wrong, but thats how I feel. I have only taught 2 lessons since I have been there (10 days), and as a Yr4 student, that isn't enough, i should be teaching 50% a day. I feel the teacher doesn't trust me to be alone with the children, why, I don't know. Maybe I'm being silly and have high expectations as my …
- 6 replies
Have a wonderful day.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_8466, -
Golden Wedding Anniversay
by Guest- 24 replies
It's the in-laws 50th Wedding Anniversary in a couple of weeks and we have decided that we will put together a gift of 50 things that are golden. We can think of the obvious things like, golden graham, gold blend tea, golden syrup. I just thought I would ask for your ideas. It can be anything, doesn't have to be food. Also thinking of xmas dec and napkins etc. We've done this before for others for ruby and silver ideas. But 50 things are taking some thinking about. GO ON AMAZE ME!!!!!!!!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1195, -
Breast Cancer Awareness Month
by Guest- 7 replies
October is Breast Cancer Awareness month, special in our family as my mum is recovering after her second case of breast cancer. This time she had to have a mastectomy and radiotherapy and has since developed ME but at the moment is clear of cancer. Please check your breasts and get to know what they are like. It is a horrible thing and affects so many people. Just take a moment of your time to stop and think
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1469, -
- 10 replies
Many happy returns...hope you have a great day!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_7317,