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- 7 replies
Stress bust with chocolate everyone, as this week we should all be eating chocolate. According to Weight Watchers ......yes Weight Watchers, chocolate is really good for us .... in small amounts of course . I'm off to buy some this morning. Check this out.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_6361, -
- 10 replies
Hi Getting myself in a bit of tiz and could do with a good talking to, so I knew where to come! I can see that my stress levels have been rising with one thing and another, a silly situation at work seems to have tipped the balance, and I am now feeling so stressed that I need to do something about the symptoms. I am very cross with myself for getting upset about the situation. Usually if a senior member of staff needs cover, they either swop with their equivalent level of seniority or ask the next person down the organizational line to cover for them and everybody else moves up to the next level of responsibility too. This will happen on one day, but on ano…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1027, -
- 18 replies
Many happy returns to you all and hope you enjoy your day.......lucky having it on a Sunday! Hope the sun is shining wherever you are!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_3139, -
Went out las t night with some friends to a local pub to eat. I bit into a tomato and the seeds shot across the table and hit my friend full frontal!, well this coupled with a few glasses of wine reduced my sister-in-law and myself to tears of laughter I woke up this morning still tittering about it, and it made me wonder, with all the hard work we do, when was actually the last time you all laughed so much you nearly wet yourself? I can't remember the last time I laughed so much, and it was much needed at the end of a every hard week As they say: little things please little minds
I have decided I can't go on any longer with a committee run Pre-School. I am giving in my notice next week. I will never ever ever want to work in a committee run Pre-school again. In my experience they should not be allowed to be run by people who suddenly have fulll control of things they know nothing about, destroying peoples confidence and self esteem. I know I am talking about my experience and I know there are many committee run Pre-schools that do work but for me , no ,no no. There are so many reasons why I want to leave, but the main reason is my health. I know I will be going off with stress if I don't do something now and take control of my life. The …
Last reply by AnonyMouse_8466, -
- 10 replies
Have a wonderful day.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_8466, -
- 1 follower
- 9 replies
Hi I am sorry to bother you all but I need a recipe for salt dough so I can help my daughter make a 3d model of a cell for yr 7 science homework. I did a search but can't find the recipe, but if you nice people post one then I will put a copy in the recipe section in the resource area so I can find it next time!!!! Look forward to hearing from you all, Sue
- 9 replies
I have been mesmerised by BBC's Big Cat Live. There was a wonderful moment tonight when the cheetah cubs were playing, and the commentator spoke about how important it was for them to play, and said that their play was necessary to help them develop all the skills they will need as adults! Well we all know that don't we? Last night there was an amazing and magical moment when the three male cheetahs approached the cubs as if to attack them. One little cub stood up to them and they seemed puzzled, and then backed away. Kate, the female presenter, blamed her tears on the smoke from the fire. Hmmm. You can watch the live webcams here
- 9 replies
Just wondering if anyone's read it? I borrowed it off mum, and I actually couldn't put it down. When I spoke to a friend who's read it and she said she found it really boring. Just wondering how other people found it Mrs Weasley.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_14021, -
- 4 replies
Is there a way to bookmark particular threads within the forum inself? Someone shared a web link that I would like to keep for later reference......but hubby is grumpy that I seem to bookmark loads of stuff in the normal way, so if I could hide it within the forum then he couldnt' moan!! Maybe its just me being a hoarder but when Marion, or indeed anyone else, shares great links I'd like to keep them for later....just in case. Hope this has made sense. Thanks