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Happy 5th Birthday...
by Guest- 15 replies
- 193 views me! I've been registered on the forum for 5 years today! Wow how my work and home life has changed in the last 5 years! I've been through good times and bad and people on here have always been there to help me through it all! Thanks FSF!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_8466, -
- 11 replies
A friend just passed me this link - apparently this organisation are giving away free memory sticks to teachers/teaching support staff. It contains pre-loaded resources for teachers, but also some spare capacity for saving stuff. I haven't heard of this before - but it does look pukka although there is that saying that if it looks too good to be true it probably is! Look here and see what you make of it. Is it genuine or a scam? Maz
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1326, -
- 4 replies
A friends child started in a school nursery class in September, she's been in to help a few times and has now been asked if she would like to help on a more regular basis, still as a volunteer. Her concern is that none of the nursery staff have any early years qualifications. The lady in charge is a 'higher level teaching assistant', she's assisted by a former teacher, who taught in a secondary school, a former nurse, not a nursery nurse, and one unqualified assistant. There is a Foundation Stage Coordinator but she teaches the reception class and doesn't spend much time in the nursery if any at all. My friends other concern is that the children are not allowed to play, …
Last reply by AnonyMouse_2732, -
- 1 follower
- 12 replies
Hi Please HELP! It has recently been decided at school that every teacher should do an assembly on a rota basis and even though I don't take my nursery children to assemblies I'm still expected to take an assembly. I hate this sort of thing as I have a real thing about standing up in front of everyone. Anyway I have to do my first one on thursday around the theme of sporting heros. I thought I might stretch the theme and read the story or the hare and the tortoise and discuss it. What do you think? Any different ideas? Any top assembly tips? I think I would much prefer it if I didn't have an audience of other staff - do you think this is a good/ba…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1027, -
- 4 replies
Oi who turned out the lights it only 7.20ish pm and its gone dark outside. I am gonna have to put on the lights (if they ever worked properly) to see what I am doing. Although saying that I am a touch tipist so can do all this typing without using the lights!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_8466, -
- 18 replies
I am getting a new car, well a nearly new car next week. Its a Ford Focus in blue, I can't wait to drive it away. I took some pictures but they didn't come out very well. It will be fun driving and parking for a while until I get used to it! The parents and staff at work will be wondering who's car it is in the car park! I won't be suprised if some parents ask me where my old car is. Just roll on next week! Beth
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1027, -
by Guest- 9 replies
just wondering what everyone thinks a suitable wage would be for a pre-school manager?
Christmas Play In Nursery
by Guest- 19 replies
just been told ive got to start thinkin of a christmas play to put together for my preschoolers, currently most aged just turned 3 and some almost 4. ive never really been into christmas, call me bah humbug or what ever, just think is too hyped, but i really dont want to do a play. they said it doesnt have to be a nativity, but all i can think of is that its nothing about what im about- how can practising songs over n over for weeks/months beforehand be fun for children, how is taking them away from what they are doing to practice the songs/play be following their interests, how is teling them where to stand or move to be anything we shoud be doing. also my just turne…
- 5 replies
Hi I have joined an agency and they have some potential work lined up for me but when they phoned my previous employer for a reference she hung up Can she chose not to give me one? I worked my socks off while there and when I handed my notice in there seemed to be no problems. However, two days later I recieved a letter telling me not to bother going back. I was gutted and still am upset that she did this to me. Now she is refusing to give me a refence or at least will take her time in sending it out Any advice please!!!!!!
It's Been A Long Time
by Guest- 6 replies
Hi everyone, Its been ages since my last post...sorry have been so busy! Started Foundation Degree in Teaching and Learning, through Worcester University which outreaches in Somerset (where I live) so that's all day Friday taken care of. Have implemented the EYFS and so far so good. I do have a query though and was hoping somebody could help me with it. A number of our children attend dual settings, I remember reading somewhere (in the paper mountain that is in danger of collapsing on me!!) that we now have to keep in regular contact with other settings children attend. My deputy is drawing up a letter to get parental consent and also contact info such as keyw…