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- 12 replies
Many happy returns Paula.............hope you have a wonderful day.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1999, -
- 33 replies
I went downstairs this morning to find a nice FSF cup in the kitchen !!! I want one for me Maybe I should just hijack mum's? Hide it in my room or something? Mrs Weasley.x
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1027, -
by Guest- 1 follower
- 9 replies
Hello everyone! Please feel free to tell me to shush, but I really am fed up with this EYFS. Fed up with it. As an NQT on my first position in a Nursery, I feel completely out on a raft on this one. I had no training at University, I've never done Nursery bofore and I'm really trying to keep afloat with only stuff I've read about and my own research! (Which, at this point, I would like to say THANK YOU to all you lovely people, without whom I would be in an asylum, slowly repeating "Enabling environments... A unique child..." whilst rocking back and forth!) But, that said, I can only take my learning so far by myself! And now I'm stressed out, now knowing whe…
- 9 replies
Have a happy birthday and enjoy your day....lucky you, having your special day on a Sunday. Enjoy!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1027, -
Balloon Ride
by Guest- 14 replies
Has anyone had a hot air balloon ride, I am due to go with husband on Saturday.
- 24 replies
A friend of mine sent me this and once I'd dried my eyes and stopped giggling uncontrollably I had to come here and share it with you lot..... public_toilets_.doc
So Sweet!
by Guest- 6 replies
As most of you know, I'm off work at the moment after some ankle surgery. I'm missing the kids in my class a lot. Last week one of the staff dropped off a collage that one of the kids had done for me. Just got an email from my supply teacher and with it was a really sweet drawing (well I say drawing, think what your best 12 month old could do) and a photo of some of the kids smiling. It's brought a tear to my eye, so sweet bless them!
- 5 replies
Hope you all have a wonderful day and enjoy any celebrations you have planned.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_7317, -
I'm Back!
by Guest- 14 replies
Hi Everyone! Feels like an age since I was last on here but owing to finances, have been unable to renew my subs. Things are slowly getting back to normal, so here I am! I think the last time I posted, was to gauge opinions on baby names for my unborn son. Well... Daniel was born 11th June at 9lbs 4ozs, a little brother to Natalie. He is the most wonderful little boy in the world and I can't really believe I was so worried about having a boy . He is generally "good", although is still waking me 2-3 times through the night. He is one hungry baby. All the time! Natalie has just started school (another thread on here) and seems to be doing really well although…
Foundation Stage Profile
by Guest- 3 replies
Hi could someone clear up the confusion for me? Does every child still need a priofile, even if they are at a Children's Centre or playgroup? We do 'Learning Journeys@. It seems a lot of extra work. I am really confused. Thanks