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- 8 replies
Happy birthday to you all! Hope you have an excellent day and enjoy your celebrations.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_379, -
by Guest- 11 replies
anyne else suffer from headaches/migraines?? ive always suffered from the odd headache now and again but more recenlty they have become more often and sometimes more severe, i generally get a headache atleast everyday, sometimes they fade after taking paimkillers other times they become more severe and i have to sleep it off. I dont know whats triggering them, strong smells and flavours can set them off so i try to avoid these, or at least after eating i try to get rid of the taste. when in work i do get dehydrated sometimes but have tried to drink plenty throughout the day, i drink water mostly but have about 3-4 cups of tea in a day i thought stress coul…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_6361, -
- 5 replies
Have a great day and enjoy your celebrations!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1027, -
- 32 replies
I am never seen without nail varnish on, and the colour of my nail varnish changes atleast 3 times a week ! The children love seeing what colour my nails are, and are always saying "Your nails are pink today". I also have colourful earings, which I change a lot too and hardly ever wear a matching pair. So there are a few children who like to see what colours they are. Having said this, I had a dream last night, that the government made it a law that anybody working with children could not wear any jewellery or nail varnish. So I wrote a letter to the government telling them I thought it was a bit stupid and that the children loved looking at the colour of my nails …
Last reply by AnonyMouse_64, -
- 15 replies
Heard this today! Your picture on your driving licence card is only valied for 10 years then you have to renew and it costs you £17.501 - what a cheek!!!!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1027, -
- 7 replies
Happy birthday to you both! Hope you are enjoying your special day!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1027, -
- 8 replies
Hi folks just needed a bit of reassurance or somone to tell me that I am a complete and utter failure! I have a child in my nursery group who is displaying some 'quirky' behaviour- very little eye contact, flapping hands, lots of repeated phrases (echolalia perhaps). Although it is very early days Mum had asked me how the child was getting on. I told her of the patterns of behaviour I had observed and wondered if this was the same at home- my intention was to a) communicate to mum what had been observed, especially since she had asked try to establish whether this is what said child did at home so that I could begin to 'read' the child's characteristics better Mum who …
- 20 replies
Ok, here's the scenario: I was in town today with my daughter.Lovely, very hot day, lots of sunshine. A woman pulled up in a car next to daughter and i who were waiting for hubby to collect us to go home.the woman sat in the car for maybe ten minutes, with her window wound down and engine running.There was a small baby in a car seat in the rear of the car, and it was in full glare of the sun (no window shade).Anyway, woman then leaves the car, with engine still running..and runs off towards the bank, which she goes into, and stays in there for several in the meanwhile was till in the car, alone. When woman returns, i said to her, 'it was…
- 5 replies
i hope you have had a wonderful day. At least the sun has shined for you
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1027, -
- 4 replies
I am applying for jobs in primary school. One is for a nursery nurse and the other is for a teaching assistant for in a nursery I have 2 years experience in a varitey of settings and have experience of dealing with special needs but what is the best way to sell myself both on paper and in the interview, if i ever get one I went to the school for an open day and its fab, new purpose built but not owned by council though they employ the the staff. The head seemed really entusiastic and wants someone who had experience of dealing with behavioural issues and EAL which I do have I really struggle though when it comes to writing my skills and experiences down, have …
Last reply by AnonyMouse_3307,