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by Guest- 16 replies
I cannot believe how quickly I have become "addicted" to this site!!!!!! It seems every time my son (of 16) spies me I am on this site.......... And now its time to go back to work.... all day. EVERYDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Not weekends though........ phew!) How will I ever manage to go all day without checking in................ Mind you I suppose the plus point here is that many folks will have the same problem as me............ back to work this week! Golly. My first internet addiction!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- 12 replies
For all of us going back to school this week, have a good term. For those of you who are continuing as normal, hope the next few weeks treat you well as well. Anyone unwell (Mundia especially), get well soon and for Nichola hope your op and recovery are smooth.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1027, -
- 6 replies
Oh boy my feet hurt, I went back to work this moring after 6 weeks off. I forgot how busy I am on a normal day. I have sat here for the last couple of hours relfecting on how it went etc. Very busy with new starter children and parents, walking around making sure everything was going well. Plus had a couple of visits and had to go to the shops for a couple of items. I think I have sat down for 15 minutes this morning and 4 hours on my feet. Well this does refelct that by 12.45 pm I had done nearly 10,000 steps by the end of this morning. I hope I get chance for a sit down tomorrow and spend sometime with 4 keychildren as I didn't even see the 2 I have …
Last reply by AnonyMouse_4544, -
- 6 replies
Many happy returns to you all .................enjoy your day!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_10713, -
Great Site
by Guest- 2 replies
I know we all say it in our posts but I just wanted to say again how great this site is and how useful. Sometimes we don't always see the way others help us. For instance I have had two personal messages from Lesley helping me with a problem I posted about managing behaviour. She is going to e-mail me some info besides giving me some good advice. Thanks Lesley. I really appreciate how people take an interest in what you are doing and it makes it so much better as we are all in it for the children. Thanks Steve and Helen for setting up this site in the first place and to everybody who has helped, not just me, but everybody else. Linda
- 13 replies
Hope you're having a great day today Shiny. Many happy returns.
Hi there I've just been asked by a friend who is planning to get a tattoo how I would feel if one of my staff had a visible tattoo. My initial reaction was that it would depend on what is was and where it was. I wondered if any of you have strong opinions about practitioners who have tattoos - or piercings come to that? I know from a Forum search that some of you have tattoos - are you asked to cover them up at work? How do you handle children's questions about what they are and how they got there (I'm forever being asked what that writing is on my hand when I write myself a little note for later!). All thoughts and comments gratefully received! Maz
Last reply by AnonyMouse_7227, -
- 10 replies
Have a wonderful day you two.
- 11 replies
Have a great day all and enjoy any celebrations you may have planned!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_64, -
Chat Anyone?
by Guest- 4 replies
Anyone fancy a chat? I don't usually have use of a computer in the evenings, but hubby is out and I thought I'd give it a go. I'll be around for a while if anyone wants to join me. Salsa.