Staff Lounge
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- 21 replies
let me know what you think of their 'photo of the week' when your magazine drops on the carpet this week!!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_6361, -
- 14 replies
Not had a good nights sleep as I'm worried and not sure what to do? The playgroup has hired the church hall for 40years and this week it hit the local press that it has been ear marked along with loads of other shops to be pulled down to give Stowmarket a face lift. We are a very busy charity group with a waiting list and things have been going very well for the setting. I was informed that it was a possibility that this would happen, now it has been in the papers and the phone calls have been coming in to me I'm now worried about it. The church have told me that IF it happens & they have to relocate then we will be considered in their plans. This could mean a new…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_9850, -
Strange Compliment-should I Divorce?
by Guest- 16 replies
Today is my 20th wedding aniversary (gulp) Don't know how or when that happened . We don't usually bother, nor with presents or cards for birthdays and Christmas either.We usually get some thing we need Today seemed a bit different and that its really something we should be proud off.On Monday the engineer was servicing the boiler so I got down our wedding photo that has not been displayed for many a year-eldests reaction "God mum your so thin...Dad needs to cut his nails" This morning I got a card first thing and then a bunch of flowers and a cup of coffee in bed.I decided to get up and see my husband off to work and threw on a pair of blue pants and a red vest t…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_8466, -
Spontaneous Activity!
by Guest Wolfie- 16 replies
I don't know what's happening in everyone else's part of the country but we're in the middle of a massive downpour here in Staffordshire... So much so that our patio completely flooded with about 4 inches of water...Ding! Bright idea! The patio is in desperate need of a good scrub so my daughter and I have put on our flip flops, grabbed the brooms from the garage and some Fairy Liquid and have just had the best half hour's fun in ages! We've giggled solidly, scrubbed, swept and sloshed the water and bubbles everywhere and just had the best time ever!
- 9 replies
Birthday greetings going to Moomin73 and to roseyuk who are celebrating today. Have a great day and enjoy!
New Job, New Challenge!
by Guest Wolfie- 21 replies
Well, I've got a new job and am very excited! The post is entitled "Learning Development Manager" and is a new post on the senior management team at a Children's Centre, encompassing the role of a Children's Centre Teacher with some added managerial responsibility. To quote the job description, I will be "part of a multi-disciplinary team, observing, role modelling, supporting and leading others in the provision of learning opportunities for children and adults across the Centre. I will be positive and passionate about the wealth of opportunities learners need and possess a strong belief that people are learners from birth." So basically a "leader of learning" …
Last reply by AnonyMouse_8623, -
Did We Miss Something?
by Guest- 20 replies
Hi-I'm posting this really for my own sanity.I maybe posting it in the wrong place but this section of the forum says it just accessable to full members so I feel safer in discussing it. A child in our setting has suffered a terrible tragedy and i can't get it off my mind.A few weeks ago Social services made enquiries regarding this child and we replied in all honesty that we had no concerns, the child was clean, well presented, not hungry, gave no concerns with regards to play or discussions that would ring alarm bells but attendence was a bit irratic and she was picked up by various people. Last week they contacted us again after an incident at home involving t…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_4544, -
- 8 replies
Just catching up on 9 nine pages of posts and my mind is buzzing. Returned from France in the early hours and am ploughing through the washing. Weather is beautiful here so will get it all dried quickley ready for re-packing for a week in Dublin next Wednesday. Exhausted from travelling (we drove) but have had a really relaxing time in France. Weather was hot, hot, hot but no one got sunburn. Missed coming on here and can see it will take me sometime to catch up. Hope everyone is enjoying their break from work and that the weather is nice wherever you are. Thanks for checking the birthday list Peggy...............knew I could count on you!!!
Happy Birthday
by Guest- 9 replies
HAPPY BIRTHDAY Puzzles, sending birthday greetings and wishes that you have a fantastic day. Peggy
Happy Birthday
by Guest- 5 replies
HAPPY BIRTHDAY Chocolate girl Douglas O'Shea and Hope you all have a lovely day. Peggy
Last reply by AnonyMouse_8623,