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- 4 replies
We have just had the most brilliant last day with the children . Weather is glorious, hot, sunny and just what was ordered. Everyone met us in the park, mums, dads, grandparents, older siblings, younger siblings and of course 'our' children, for a picnic and play. we took over a very large area, children had fun playing and families all joined in, parachute was very popular with everyone, children directed the play! Looking from the sidelines for a while made us very proud to have such a friendly supportive group of parents, all were together and enjoying each others company. Lots of extended family there too and a surprising number of Dads. Some will re…
- 9 replies
Hiya, Just had to come on and say I'm very excited (if a little sleepy!) - have finally just finished my threshold application!!!! Thank you especially to H and fairynough for all your help. Off to bed now - school trip tomorrow - penultimate day of term - seemed like a good idea at the time!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_11485, -
Happy Birthday
by Guest- 6 replies
HAPPY BIRTHDAY Here's wishing you all a great day, have fun. Peggy
Last reply by AnonyMouse_10713, -
It's The Holidays
by Guest- 2 replies
Finished today for the summer, just completed my first year in my new school. We have had ofsted and a church inspection etc and it has'nt really stopped but I have really enjoyed it. Now looking forward to the summer with my family. lots to think about for September so i will be asking lots of questions. Just wanted to wish everyone a great summer holiday. lets hope the sun continues to shine. Have a great holiday everyone. Ger
Last Day At Pre School
by Guest- 16 replies
Well I have finally done it and left pre school and finished my foundation degree. So I have my first summer off in 7 years, woohoo. No planning, worrying about maintenance of the pre school, no operational plan/policies and procedures/prospectus updates to do, well until Sept when i start my 3rd year of degree. Feeling very emotional and keep wondering if I have done the right thing. Lets hope I pass my degree!!!!! I would just like to thank everyone for all their advice and support over the last few years. Unfortunately for all of you, I will still keep putting my tuppence worth of advice in. Have a nice relaxing summer and don't work too hard. …
by Guest- 16 replies
Hi all! Just wondering what (if anything) you are going to buy your children at the end of term as leavers gifts. I'm really struggling to think of something that will not cost the earth but what all children will like. I have 23 4-5 year olds. All ideas welcome thanks Rachel xx
Last reply by AnonyMouse_3735, -
Interview Presentation
by Guest Wolfie- 15 replies
I've got a job interview on Wednesday and have had some slightly scary details through today. As part of a whole morning's activities ( ), at 9am I get given a presentation title - and have 15 minutes to prepare before presenting to a panel at 9.15! I'm just wondering, do you think they're going to be looking for a Powerpoint presentation to be prepared in that short time? I think I can cope with the idea of having 15 minutes to prepare something but if I also have to struggle with unfamiliar I.T. equipment and use my basic I.T. skills to put something together then that's VERY scary! Has anyone been faced with the same situation - and did they give you a laptop o…
- 4 replies
Hi All This may seem a very strange question but I have heard a rumour that you can hire someone to come and do a pre ofsted inspection and advise you on areas and ways to improve your grade. Does anyone else know anything about this?
- 9 replies
We start our holiday today folks. I wish you all wonderful holidays, and commiseration's to all those who are not going away over the summer for one reason or another. Take care of yourselves everyone. Jacquie
Last reply by AnonyMouse_8466, -
- 3 replies
im applying for a role as a child development worker (am happy where i am but saw this and didnt want to miss the opportunity as it is something i want to do) i need to show i understand the barriers in accessing high quality childcare for parents and providers so far have thought of for providers want for highly qualified,trained and motivated staff vs the cost of achieving this budget for resources level/amount of training avaiable understanding of relevent childcare issues and ensuring they keep up to date marketing/advertising understanding local needs for parents information provided to them knowing what they can access does this …