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- 18 replies
Just thought that I'd let you see baby bunny as she has grown over the last six months... She is a really happy, contented little baby and only cries if there is a real problem. We go to swimming classes and singing group, have completed baby massage and are about to start baby signing - busy, busy, busy!! My maternity leave is coming to an end, so I've got to make a decision about work - do you think that I can really leave her? Not just yet!! Anyway, check out this 'smilebox' and enjoy!! (When the window opens, just press 'play' - you can speed up the slides by moving the slider at the bottom) Six months in the life of... RB and Eva x
- 10 replies
Hope you have a good day!
- 20 replies
I would like to say a huge thankyou to Wolfie for the interview tips I had the interview today - it was grulling but i got it in the end Deputy manager of a new childrens centre - soooooooo excited Claire x
Last reply by AnonyMouse_12845, -
Form To Fill, Help Urgently Needed.
by Guest- 6 replies
Hi all I have to fill in this form over the weekend about good practice. I am so tired I thought it would really help if i got some of your views. 1.I have a full and secure knowledge of children’s development, learning and Foundation Stage? 2.I have a particular expertise in the following areas of learning or provision (please list and provide relevant evidence)? 3.I demonstrate a sincere respect and value for children? 4. I model good use of language to extend children's knowledge and to challenge them in their thinking? 5.I encourage children to see themselves as competent learners? 6.I provide a welcoming, stimulating and challenging learning environment which…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_79, -
Happy Birthday Beth 1
by Guest- 14 replies
HAPPY BIRTHDAY Hope you both have a great day. Peggy
Last reply by AnonyMouse_6361, -
- 6 replies
Hi everyone Left school in the days when staying on to get qualifications was offered to the ones most likely to achieve, so I left at 15 without any. Four years ago I was lucky to get a job as an e.t.a. and decided to have ago at attempting the nvq 3 early years course. I completed the course but have to admit I found it difficult and often gave far more then I needed to but didn’t know how to give just the information needed, and I’m also an older mum of three boys and work 25 hours a week. I would really like to do an Open University e123 early years course but I am wary of taking on something that is going to be very difficult to fit into work and a demanding fa…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1999, -
- 12 replies
All suggestions gratefully received for a break in October at half term, please. We dont usually do hot as Im not much good in the sun and everywhere seems so alien but would like to visit one of those warmer places which we would not normally contemplate.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_3735, -
Happy Birthday - Dawn & Kitkat
by Guest- 7 replies
HAPPY BIRTHDAY ALL Just one minute to go and I'd have been a day late. Hope you've all had a good time today and that all your birthday wishes come true. Peggy
Happy Birthday
by Guest- 7 replies
HAPPY BIRTHDAY BECKY Hope you have a lovely day. Peggy
Last reply by AnonyMouse_379, -
Resources For Home Corner
by Guest- 2 replies
After fund raising etc I am ordering lots of lovely goodies for the new term and have a small problem! We really need to update our home corner and would like a "tough" sofa. I seem to remember seeing a wonderful product a couple of years ago where this 2 seater sofa could be turned on its side to make a cubbie hole or upside down to make a small table (great for the vets operating table!). It was made of a strong plastic type substance and came in lots of colours. I would really love to get my hands on it but typically cant find it in any of my resource catalogues. beiginning to feel I must have dreamed this one up!! If any one out there knows what I am talk…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_79,