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Help! I Can't Get Into Resources
by Guest- 1 follower
- 9 replies
Anyone else experiencing problems accessing the resources section on this site? I'm sure I'm fully paid up - is there anyone out there who can help? (Steve????)
Last reply by SueFinanceManager, -
What A Shock!
by Guest- 3 replies
Hi everyone Hope you have all had a good day - i have had a massive culture shock today!!! We are iloting children moving up early. This year all of our children moved upto the next year group today. The idea is that they have a week and a half to settle into their new class before sept and hopefully stops them worrying about their new class over the summer hol. It seems to have worked well however i have to have the year 6 children for a week and a half!!! what a shock!! I have felt like a spare part most of the day - they dont need me!! I think they may have found me slightly patronising on a few occassions todya as well i.e shall i help you with that? i'…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_79, -
- 4 replies
Hi guys I was wondering if anyone could help me. I have an interview on Friday for a deputy manager job in a new childrens centre. I am very nervous and was wondering if anyone had any ideas of questions and things that i may be asked. I have only had two interviews before and this is really worrying me. Thanks so much Claire
What A Week, Im Glad It's Over
by Guest MaryEMac- 29 replies
I have had a very stressful week and I haven't posted because I have been too angry or upset to post. Tuesday 10.15 a.m. phone call from my chairman to tell me that a parent has put in a complaint to ofsted about me. Tuesday 11.40 a.m. another parent praised me and my staff to the heavens for the way we have supported her and her son, who is autistic. Tuesday 3.30 p.m. phone call from my husband to say that he will be late home because his dad who is 80 and suffering from Alzeimers and Parkinsons had decided to hitchhike to Bedford and about a mile from his home had fallen and been taken to hospital by paramedics. He doesn't live in Bedford and never has li…
Will You Vote For My Daughter Pls?
by Guest- 18 replies
I hope you don't mind me posting this here but I'm having a very proud mummy moment and also looking at the potential of winning 1000 pounds worth of TP Toys for my childminding setting ! My daughter is the Wales Regional finalist in the Fresh Face of TP Toys competition and has just started battling it out in an online public vote against lots of other gorgeous little finalists. I'm only posting on here as I haven't got a huge amount of family or friends that have got a PC to vote so I'm counting on you lot - unfortunately you can only vote once. I'd be ever so grateful if you would visit the TP website and vote for Keira Slater - she's the little Goldilocks…
- 6 replies
I was driving back home from ASDAs, I got 1/2 miles from home when I saw not one, not two but 2 police motorcyles. I said to mum there must be someone important, then some cars we thought the Queen was inside, but it was the Duke of Kent instead.people who where walking passed had there mouths wide open. I got back and rung my gran who said that the Duke of Kent was comming to our town for a visit. The funny thing is that the woman in the car looked like the Queen! I can't wait to tell the children at preschool tomorrow. Beth
Snap Dragon
by Guest- 11 replies
My sister sent me this, and I thought it sums up how we all feel as we break up for the summer holidays tommorow! For those of you who don't break up tomorrow, don't worry it wont be long before you do! I Shall be thinking of you all whilst I lay next to the pool in Turkey Snap_dragon.doc
- 1 follower
- 9 replies
Off to France this afternoon for two weeks. Leaving the rain behind although Leicester is quite hot with only scattered showers. Hopefully some sunny weather where I'm going. Hubby bringing his laptop so may be checking in every now and again. Can't bear not knowing whats going on!!! Good luck to anyone else going away...............have a wonderful and relaxing time.
Dfes Number
by Guest- 2 replies
Hi everyone, Can anyone tell me where I can find my DfES number? I did receive it last year but I have completely lost the paper with it on! Is there anyone I can contact to find out? Thanks Rachel
Last reply by AnonyMouse_79, -
Did You Miss Me?
by Guest- 12 replies
I know it's only been a week but I've really missed you as it feels more like a month since I last visited. During my last session on here on 30th June I was highjacked :wacko: , well not me personally but our internet dial up programme and a virus to stop us reconnecting. A large red warning sign came up from our Norton protector which immediately closed down the internet, thankfully before any more programmes/information was highjacked from our computer. It's been a nightmare trying to get back online, eventually got a disc sent to us by Orange. Apparently people who I can only describe as (bleep, bleep) stole our dial up details to use for their o…