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- 4 replies
im so excited, i m off to see DOLLY PARTON tonight. Ive been so looking forward to it.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_8466, -
Hello And Goodbye Songs
by Guest- 16 replies
Well, we don't have a hello song, but sing the days of the week song. We do have a Goodbye song which starts 'Goodbye work, goodbye play' and I'm not keen on it, so would like a new one to start in September. Please can you tell me some good songs and the tune too! Thanks!!!
We've All Been To The Zoo Today!
by Guest- 12 replies
we have had a great day at colchester zoo today that coach turned up on time and we all got on, we are not brave enough to go without parents but still have a few children, whose parents for whatever reasons can't manage to come so usually have a handful to look after, this year it was only 2 between 4 of us bliss! but still a responsibility that leaves you tried at the end of the day!! we fed the giraffes and watched the elephants having a bath we saw the tigers and lots of monkeys, it was all over too soon then back on the coach all present and correct then home again, i'm always glad when trips are over but then look forward to the next one!! has anyone else got a tr…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_10355, -
Guttering, Crates, Pallets
by Guest- 9 replies
i went on a fantastic early excellence training last night about outdoor play and its inspired me to enhance my outdoor area, however i have no idea where i can get guttering pipes or crates or pallets from fro either free or cheap, i ahve looked on freecycle, ebay and searched on google any recommendations, i am in the manchester area
- 8 replies
Hope you're having a good day!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_8623, -
Take A Look Very Funny
by Guest- 7 replies
- 258 views click on dvds an hilarious twist on nursery rhymes!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_6361, -
Have To Laugh Or Will Scream
by Guest- 5 replies
parent complained again today but to manager this time basically she is not happy that there seems to be no structure and not enough sitting down and worried that her 3 year old does nothing but role play and that his reading book isnt changed often enough. luckily manager knew what to say about the room and discussed how the eyfs is about child initiated and we wouldngt take him away from something he enjoyed to do reading or to encourage him to do something else, but parent was adament she wanted him to be encouraged to do more the role play. fair enough they need a balanced curriculum but it is not like he does nothing else, i have evidence in his learning …
Last reply by AnonyMouse_8466, -
- 11 replies
Just wanted to say what a great few days i'm having!! Went to see Bon Jovi last night, so darned good i wish i could afford to go again!!! what a night!! And tonight, I am, with blessing and support of all the parents at our setting,off to Glastonbury,and going with my other member of staff, so the setting is closed tomorrow, so we can have a day of R&R !!Most of the parents have actually said..'you work so hard, you deserve a day off, hope you really enjoy it'! Isn't that just lovely??And, to cap it off, our numbers have significantly increased over the last few weeks, as those same wonderful parents have been spreading the word about how great they think we are.Just…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_11485, -
- 10 replies
Hi everyone I needed to get something off my chest About a month ago our very expensive laser printer stopped working - like it was not connected to the computer anymore. We tried everything, called in two lots of techies from our head office but nothing. It is soooooo difficult not having a printer in a nursery, no registers, no photos, no invoices, no letters, no way to print off my very important informtion for my very important staff meeting on saturday. Everything had to be done by hand. I came into nursery today - super early may i add - to have a look at it, determined to fix it. I looked at it and decided to have a fiddle - I pulled out the USB con…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_8623, -
Free Road Safety Training
by Guest- 5 replies
The most recent PLA Under 5 magazine included a section under 'Staying Safe' highlighting free road safety training. Brake th eroad safety charity, are inviving professionals working with families , early years practitioners and educators across the UK to undertake free half-day training sessions to save children's lives on the roads. You can find more info here
Last reply by AnonyMouse_8466,