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- 10 replies
Many happy returns to JenWren who is celebrating today. Have a great day! Also to Daisydoo and Jules - enjoy any celebrations you have planned.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_7317, -
- 10 replies
I have got back off my holidays. I had a lovely time, weather was nice but occasional thunderstoms. Been to many places, upto the big city (cant spell the name) up into the mountains and to Mount Athos on a boat. I got back this afternoon to a rainy Manchester! I have got back to find the preschool is a mess, losing quailfied staff left, right and centre! Any ideas on how to deal with a group of friends who seem to be having issues with (don't want to go into details), I feel like leaving too its that bad! I wouldn't care but I am the manager! Beth
Last reply by AnonyMouse_6361, -
- 13 replies
for those of you too busy doing training, uni work etc .. take a look at this....
- 1 follower
- 30 replies
Hope you are having a fabulous day Peggy, celebrating your birthday on Father's Day. Enjoy your celebrations and I hope the sun in shining wherever you are! Birthday greetings also to wendychildminder and lynneinvalencia! Have a great day both.
Rant Time Again
by Guest- 21 replies
just got back form holiday (lovely time in venice even though there was a thunderstorm one evening) my NN told me one of my parents had been bitching about me to her, so shocked as she is as nice as anything to my face and thought we had a good relationship. basically as u may have read before im not into the oxford reading tree books but they were in place when i started my current role and some parents are fixed on them, due to my aversion to the ort i have not been changing reading books or doing specific indidividual reading with the children (prefering to follow their lead in play, having a group stroy time and reading one on one if they ask for a story…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1027, -
- 2 replies
happy fathers day steve and everyone else out there - have a good day
Friday The 13th
by Guest- 10 replies
Hi My partner is dreadfully superstitious and he has been a nervous wreck today (and it's not over yet!). Just wondering if anyone else gets stressed about Friday 13th or any other superstitions? Sally
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1027, -
Virgin Mobile Balance Phone Number
by Guest- 5 replies
Hi Can anyone help me please? we are trying to find out how much credit my son has on his phone. It is on the virgin network, what number do you dial for balane? I expected it to be in the menu but it is not and he has lost the instructions! and I have just lost patience with the website! Many thanks
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1469, -
- 2 replies
Hi all I made a post about a phone number and in 4 mins i had the answer is that the fastest time a problem has been sorted in?
Last reply by Steve, -
- 7 replies
Birthday wishes go to Debbington, Scoobydoobydoo and Sunny who are all celebrating today. Enjoy your special day all.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_7317,