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- 9 replies
Birthday greetings to Crazyt1 for today. Have a good one! Happy birthday also to Jan Sharpe and jeanie who are also celebrating.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_6361, -
Printing As We Speak!
by Guest- 9 replies
I have finally finished my dissertation,, printing it now and then taking it to get it bound!! So relieved,,, and I finished another assigment this morning!! Only another 2 more to go! Think a few glasses of wine are called for tonight!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_7317, -
Time Warp?
by Guest- 1 reply
Mooching around the topics as usual, I noticed no-one had posted for a while.... strange.............. then I realised the clock is an hour behind and that you are here after all!!!!!!!!!! Phew, thought I was caught in a Dr Who style time warp Nona
Last reply by AnonyMouse_79, -
Horrible Horrible Week
by Guest- 19 replies
Im having such a bad week at work, today the one person who offers me support, guidance and is trully my rock is leaving to go and work full time at our other nursery. The other nursery is new and needs her help more than we do which i understand i just dont know how i will cope without her. I have seen this coming for ages now but its still upsetting. Also in the morning i have to have a difficult conversation with a staff member which unfortunatly result im the person leaving. I know this is this right thing to do but i feel so very bad about it. This job is horrible sometimes. :wacko:
Last reply by AnonyMouse_11485, -
- 13 replies
Feel sooooo fed up! We as a setting have worked so hard to get our planning right, we do it daily all take a turns, it links in to the childrens intrests and next steps. we all felt quite proud of it. we have a long term plan, but decided no medium term one. we felt if we were linking it directly to the childrens intrests and needs we wouldnt need one. Have just been told today we need one! I no if i do one no one will look at it as we are concentrating on the individual child. I feel it will be a waste of time and i will only be doing it for 1 reason and 1 reason only MRS O! We were also recently told on b23 training you dont need planning if your environment i…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_9850, -
- 19 replies
What was life like before we had disarable (sp) outcomes/curruluim guidance for the FS/B23? I was in a staff meeting when someone (been qualified over 10 years) mentioned that she remembers PILES and not such stringent planning like we have been doing. Although we will be happier when September comes around with the new framework, much eaiser to organise. I sopose that the ones who have most experince know what area of learning we are meeting for our children in the setting without having to think about have we covered this and that. I may think about doing this as my reserch practitioner (disteration) module for my FD or for the BA topup course. I have alrea…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_3735, -
- 14 replies
Has anyone else had a full-on day or is it just me? 2 weeks off and the children in my class seem to have almost completely forgotten anything they ever knew about how to behave in school - or maybe I've just forgotten what it's really like! I think 2 weeks of just being on this forum has left me with slightly rose-tinted glasses about how fantastic early years is (but I do love it - EYS and the forum!) but nonetheless, today was crazy! Started off at 8.40 with 2 parents having a huge, swearing row on my carpet just as I was trying to settle a little boy who was crying, and pretty much went steadily downhill from there! All 30 children are staying full-time now and th…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_11485, -
- 33 replies
Who would like to meet up next Saturday 19/4/08? Lets see if we can meet up this year. I am going on this day this year due to college clashes, I am going to 2 seminars in the early afternoon. The times are 12.30 to 1.30 pm and 2 til 3 pm, but otherwise I will be able to meet up before or after then. Beth
- 1 follower
- 25 replies
Hope you have a wonderful birthday Wolfie and enjoy any celebrations you have planned. A Happy Birthday also to zoe0468 - queenbee - linnet - playmobile.............who are also celebrating their special days today.
- 3 replies
Belated birthday wishes to abbycuk & sabini hope you had a lovely day
Last reply by AnonyMouse_10713,