Staff Lounge
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Happy Birthday
by Guest- 8 replies
Happy birthday Sandra sm - Hope you have had great day and have an even better evening.
- 3 replies
Hi All I am looking for a safety/cycle helmet for a young child of a year old. I have been on toysrus and halfords but the smallest one I can find is 48 cm which will be too big. can anyone suggest anywhere that does smaller helmets for younger children any help would be great. Thanks
- 24 replies
Hoping everyone has a good Easter Weekend and for those of you who are starting your long holiday, a well earned break. To those of us who return to school next week, at least its not too long until its our turn to have some serious R&R! I've been looking forward to these 2 short weeks and it now seems really strange that they are here.
- 14 replies
Hi all - We're making a presentation to send out to local authorities and others letting them know more about the FSF and how members use it. I wondered if there were any members living within striking distance of East Sussex who would be comfortable chatting about how they benefit from membership? It would result in a minute or so (at most) of your presence on a promotional DVD. It would probably take about an hour of your time and could take place either in your setting (with suitable permissions from your parents necessary) or in another room. An alternative possibility is that you travel to us (in Lewes), where we will be happy to supply you with travel expense r…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_4544, -
- 9 replies
Belated birthday wishes to AngelaC nbrannon bleucocker hope all three of you had a lovely birthday
What A Busy Week
by Guest- 1 reply
Well I've had a busy week away. Spent Friday evening to Sunday with my female inlaws (10 of them) and had a fantastic time. Then from Monday to Thursday I went all the way to Torquay for the ATL conference. It was the first conference I've ever been to and it was really interesting and I met lots of interesting people. I even got up to speak in support of one of the resolutions about the CAF. Have I missed much while I've been away? Did anyone read about anything at the conference, I know Jim Knight's experience at conference was reported quite a bit!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_4544, -
- 7 replies
Hapy birthday to Sarah H and stmary's hope you both have a lovely day and a super easter weekend
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1027, -
Being A Mum
by Guest- 4 replies
If you haven't seen it yet and feel this way a visit to you tube and look for Mom's song william tell - I feel I need to learn it Enjoy! AOB
- 11 replies
To Leedwa and SueJ. Many happy returns both and enjoy your celebrations.
It Is Good To Be Back!
by Guest- 14 replies
I spent four years in Reception and in September 2007 moved to Year 3. This was my own choice as I felt I needed to get experience in another keystage. Anyway, I am currently on TLR2 and about to apply for a Foundation Stage Leader/SENCo role in a local school. I already know the HT and have been for a visit this week that was extremely positive. So this is my chance to get back to what is really my passion - the FS! Can anyone help me with my supporting statement? I realise I have to relate my experience to the job spec etc but I would really like to see anyone elses just to kick start me! Thanks in advance.