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Firemen Visiting Today!
by Guest- 9 replies
Don't know who is more excited the staff or children!!!!
- 36 replies
Ok so they call it 'wet snow' (funny i though all snow was wet, just shows how much I know) But it is forming slushy bits on the car...anyone else? Or anyone got real proper snow?
Last reply by AnonyMouse_6361, -
- 20 replies
HI OK I have tried to work this one out but failed miserably When I logged on earlier I noticed in the top blue line that it said '6 new messages'. I got all excited, never having had 6 new messages all in one go So I toddled to my inbox sharpish all agog to see who had sent me a message and guess what - no one had Never mind 6 there wasn't even 1 As I type this the little '6 new messages is glaring at me' - am I having a senior moment or is there some simple explanation???
- 11 replies
Wow! Spent 4 hours last night with 3 other colleagues clearing out our store cupboard.....You don't realise how much rubbish you keep or what nice puzzles you have. It has just been one of those situations where you don't get enough time at the end of the day and everything gets put on the nearest empty shelf. Not anymore!!! We also found tons! of bubble any ideas on what to do with this apart from printing.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_8466, -
- 9 replies
Have a great day. gmaidment - I hope you have had a good first year of your retirement.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_4544, -
- 15 replies
Mnay happy returns RB, have a great day
Last reply by AnonyMouse_8466, -
How much raised in my coin line? I will donate £10 more to Children In need if correct answer is given tonight. Peggy p.s. answer tomorrow because I'm off out soon. AND DON'T FORGET TO POP INTO MUNDIA'S, C.I.N. FSF QUIZ POST, AND GET SEARCHING FOR ANSWERS.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_8466, -
Soap Flakes
by Guest- 18 replies
Just come back from shopping (yuk!!) have been stocking up on cornflour, shaving foam and was hoping to find soap flakes in Asda....didn't do them. Any ideas where to get soap flakes?????
Last reply by AnonyMouse_2127, -
- 20 replies
Well folks we've finally had the call after expecting it since we had a new head in 2006. A day visit on Tuesday. Will keep you posted
- 7 replies
Hi peeeps. I have the full version but really don't hae the energy to plough throuhg 78 pages. I know sure start did a summary but I don't seem to be able to access it at the moment. Does anyone have a coy of a summary they would be willing to attach or send please? many thanks
Last reply by AnonyMouse_3307,