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- 27 replies
Today we had just settled down with cuppa and lovely choccie biscuits at a staff meeting to discuss christmassy things when.....................................we got the word.................... OFSTED are coming - next Wednesday and Thursday!!!!!! We've been waiting for ages and are actually relieved its about to happen. Since we came back after the summer holidays we have been getting ready and so there is not the mad panic I was expecting. I am strangly calm (is that normal??) but feel I should be panicing! I am looking forward to showing the inspector all the great things about our setting. Thats my weekend sorted then. Bit of policy re- reading a…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_8623, -
Can Any One Help
by Guest- 3 replies
Hello All, My mind is a sieve, a few weeks ago there was a topic on who wrote a quote and during the thread it was discussed about googling quotes and reading books on line. I tried a forum search but couldn't see it. If anyone knows about how to look at the contents of books online could they let me know. Thanks Sal
- 10 replies
Just had a lie down in a darkened room after spending a small fortune on a dress (well gown really) for our 25th wedding anniversary party which is in less than 10 days! Wasn't going to buy anything, maybe a new top, as I'm not exactly the size 12 I was on my wedding day but I've just bought the most gorgeous emerald green taffeta gown and am bursting to tell. It seems to hide one or two bulges too. I'm so excited! Of course, I had to have the little diamante necklace that was so perfect for the dress too. I would have walked out of the shop if my husband and daughter hadn't insisted I buy it. I kept saying 'you don't think it's a little dressy!' I very…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_3139, -
- 15 replies
Hope you're having a good day! And birthday wishes to the others who are celebrating today!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_3307, -
Secret Santa
by Guest- 17 replies
Do you do a secret santa with staff? How much do you agree to spend?
Last reply by AnonyMouse_8466, -
- 1 follower
- 23 replies
Many happy returns to you for today Beau! Hope its filled only with good things. Hapy birthday also to Philip Selbie and cybertwin. Enjoy your day all!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_64, -
- 11 replies
hi all, just wanted to share that ive got my pgce interview on monday. im really excited but a little bit scared aswell. Any advice for the interview will be gratefully recieved! lucie x
Last reply by AnonyMouse_4869, -
Advent Calendars
by Guest- 5 replies
Advent you have them? I have just brought a lovely cloth advent calendar for has 24 little pockets to fill. If at home I would be filling these with small chocolates for my children but obviously to avoid allergies and dietry needs I am going to fill the pockets with something else. I was thinking of using pictures from clip art to laminate and each day when we look inside the pocket we can pull out this picture & say it's a star the children will then be encouraged to think of a christmas song with a star in........ So far I have: star, rudolph, christmas pudding, snowman, father christmas, bells. It doesnt have be …
- 6 replies
Hello, Could anyone please give me some advice... I have a boy in my reception class who since starting constantly does the wrong thing and doesn't listen and follow instructions. I am constantly telling him off... for example not coming to the carpet when the children are asked, hanging back when bringing children in from the playground, climbing on/over furniture... I could go on it is constant. Also the other children are constantly coming to me about his behaviour e.g. not leaving them alone. He generally doesn't know how to behave with his peers and seems to want to be silly to grap attention. At playtimes he chooses often to play with older children. Bac…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_79, -
Exciting Times Ahead
by Guest- 1 follower
- 14 replies
Hi guys, just thought I'd spread some good news. I was at my son's school on wednesday offering to help get the reception children get ready for football after school, when the head came and asked me if I would consider doing supply work for them. So spent ages filling in forms, discussing things with the head etc. Took the boys in this morning and the head called me into the office !! One of the children I was support for at pre-school last years has been awarded more hours on his statement and could I cover these in the afternoons (I work or study in the mornings), starting next week. I am really excited, I'll be able to pay into a pension fund (not done that before!!)…