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Jobhunting Misery 1 2
by Guest- 33 replies
Hi I'm sitting at the computer trying to finish (well actually start) my DPP coursework and I'm beginning to wonder if it is worth it. I applied for a job at a pre-school during the summer and was offered it - only problem was that between interview and offering me the job, they changed the hours and presumed it would be ok. It wasn't as it now clashed with the school run. So I applied for a number of jobs and in the last week I have received 4 'thanks but no thanks letters' and I didn't even get to interview stage. I'm starting to feel like all the hard work I've put in and all the hours as a volunteer have been for nothing. I know there's a job out there but at the…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_8623, -
- 6 replies
We had 'the call' today & our friendly team of inspectors will be with us next week (bang goes the weekend!). Anyway - just looking for some advice really from others who have experienced an insoection at this time of year - am in a nursery (within a primary school), children are part time & have just completed their 1st week (of full sessions!) what will the inspectors be looking for??? What assessments will they want to see. Am concerned as not much up on walls yet (focus has been on stopping them crying!). Getting more stressed by the minute - any advice gratefully recieved!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1027, -
How To Handle
by Guest- 3 replies
Does anybody have any ideas on how to handle a Manager who won't listen to anybody, and thinkgs they are always right. I was showing (at her request) the other day how to do birth to three planning a new starter to the setting. After I had finished I was walking back through the room when I heard the Manager say 'ignore what she said, she has told you wrong', and continued to tell her exactly what I had said. The Manager didn't bother to ask me what I had said to the student. I am so cross but not sure what is the best way forward. I am also a senior member of staff with responsibility for looking after the staff
Last reply by AnonyMouse_2732, -
Feeling Like An Old Bag!
by Guest- 15 replies
What a terrible day! From 9 until 3 all I seemed to do was nag....poor children I know they're tired and I am, but they were such hard work today. I really need to be more positive on Monday, felt really sorry for those children who always follow instructions and do as asked. Anyone else had a day like mine??
- 9 replies
Hi guys, I haven't been on for ages - won't go into why as too long and involved.... BUT! My daughter (almost 13) has entered a competition and I would REALLY appreciate it if you would check out the website, put Bethany J in the search and if you think she deserves it (I have to be honest and say there are some excellent singers on there!) please please vote for her. You get 20 votes so if you want you can use them all on her I've also found out that if you have user accounts on your pc, they all get 20 votes! I feel cheeky asking especially when I haven't been an active member for ages (I used to be on as another person...) but when I've poste…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_8457, -
Im Gonna Be A Bear
by Guest- 6 replies
I think I will be come a bear in my next life, it sounds about right!! Gonna_be_a_bear.doc
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1027, -
Weekend Bear
by Guest- 6 replies
Hello. I am in the process of getting a teddy bear ready to send home at weekends. Does anyone already do this?....I'm sure lots of people do.....! I am trying to think of things to send home in the bag with the bear. Any ideas? I have a bear, a teddy bear for the bear! a bedtime book, toothbrush and a diary to write in. Thanks.
Negative Pms? 1 2
by Guest Jamjim- 44 replies
I seem to have -1 new messages. I don't know how long its been saying that but how is that possible? I don't have any new messages in my inbox. Anyone else got this? It did make me smile I have to say!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_8466, -
- 6 replies
This really made me laugh hope it brightens your days Hope the pictures work for you!! Fw__PSP_Snags8229__7_Reasons_not_to_mess_with_children.html
by Guest- 4 replies
I am going to do space and aliens next term has any one got any planning for this. Have already visited Here come the aliens letters. Would like some writing and literacty ideas for space Boys you Know.!!!!! thank you in anticipation
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1027,