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5,928 topics in this forum
How Do You Spend Your Sunday?
by Guest- 29 replies
Well I like to try(!) to get a lay in but never happens.......hubby & eldest son gone fishing this morning so they disturbed me at 6 ish , my daughter woke in the night saying she couldn't sleep (well after that nor could I ) my youngest had a sleepover at a friends in a tent in there garden, my mind has been buzzing hoping he's warm enough etc. So I got up early made a cup of tea and now on here....put some washing on and think I may do some college work (after another cup of tea). Got football today with 10 year old, daughter going out with grandparents...and I better look for some important paperwork I have misplaced Is it my age or is life so busy tha…
My Baby Has Gone!
by Guest Wolfie- 21 replies
A very emotional day today....we've just dropped our son off at Uni for the first time and driven home to a very quiet house! It's been a horrible week, I haven't been able to sleep, concentrate....anything! He couldn't have made it easier for us, he's so excited about the whole thing and very positive - but it's still been an incredibly hard "end of an era" to deal with. Lots of alcohol for us both tonight I think - at least we've still got another one at home (who says she's knocking down the wall between their bedrooms tonight so that she can have a bigger room)! Anyone else going through the same thing?
Last reply by AnonyMouse_3139, -
- 4 replies
Hello I am a TA in a Reception class and will be teaching the children about shapes in the outdoor classroom next week. Has anyone got any fun ideas for this..the more wild and whacky the better. Just lots of fun whilst I also check out what they know and take them on further. Any ideas thankfully received. Jennyanne
- 15 replies
Hi all, Okay this situation in a nutshell is as follows: : Our nursery changed ownership in July this year, new owners, but i am still a manager there. we have had a few teething problems, namely myself having to ajust to one of the owners being in work daily, but she is lovely and things have gone okay. However, as many of you probably know in childcare money is always an issue. I have recently seen several nursery manager jobs advertised not a million miles away from where i live for a salary of anything betwwen £5,000 and £9,000 more than im on at present. I have been totally honest with the owner and have told her that i have seen jobs for more money. sh…
The Value Of Drink
by Guest- 16 replies
For all those drinkers out there. I thought you might find this funny. The_Value_of_a_Drink.doc
Last reply by AnonyMouse_8466, -
Christening / Blessing Present
by Guest- 11 replies
We have been invited to the 'blessing' of my nephew's baby boy. Does anyone have any suggestions for a present please?
- 13 replies
We are a sessional preschool who ALWAYS suffers from the loss of children to school in July and low intake in September usually only 12-15 children , relying on July to make up deficit... we usually get at last 4 no show as well. but this year we are full mornings, half full afternoons 30 children on books, only 1 no show and 5 to start this term and beginning to wonder what happened? we are as busy now as we were in July and a list of children due to start over the next year who may not get a place until September...and here was us looking forward to a slow start and build up numbers as usual... we have so many different languages , 7 in all and are wonderin…
- 7 replies
Hi All I am wandering if someone can help me, i am desparately searching for a indian turban to buy on line for my cultural area I have been on google e.t.c but with no luck, would really like something inexpensive. Any help would be great
- 7 replies
Am surely not the only one to be baffled by all the goings on? After lots of discussion with lots of different people it seems 50/50 ish but most seem to believe all the hype!! How many think they did it? I refuse to believe it but it is so hard not to be influenced by newspapers isnt it?As other people have demonstated to me but with not knowing them I find it hard to fight their corner i feel so sorry for them after all they have been through to now face this!!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1027, -
1st Day With The Kids
by Guest- 9 replies
I had my 1st day with my new class today after 2 days of inset. There were 2 missing, one is still in respite care till the weekend and the other is new and is starting on Monday. I've had such a lovely day. It's so nice to be back in the early years with the little ones. They are such a cute bunch although cheeky personalities and they all have their own little ways. Really looking forward to the rest of the year. How did everyone else's day go?