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- 19 replies
Putting up a gumtree ad worked. I have been conacted by a mum who is looking for a nanny 3 days per week. I have been talking via email and a telephone converstation. However it is around 20 miles away from where I live. :rolleyes: I am going to meet them later on this week to find out more information, meet the children etc. :wacko: Will keep you posted. Beth
- 8 replies
Enjoy your day.
- 15 replies
The lady on the news whos just won £35, 000, 000 (is that right?) says shes going to have a couple of days to let it sink in. I've tried to think of what I'd do, but I'm afraid the budget girl in me wont let me spend any of it. I thought about a plush car, but then worried I'd never be able to drive it witout my heart in my mouth. A new house? Well, no, my cats are buried in my garden. A whole new wardrobe? I quite like my clothes actually and it might mean getting rid of my latest bargins. A holiday? Well not if its too hot, or too cold, or anywhere they like sea food. I could buy a new computer station, this one wobbles when I type. Family and friends could be given so…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1027, -
Searching For Chlidcare
by Guest- 6 replies
HI All Advice please, on childcare for my 8 year old daughter. For the first time this term, my husband and myself are STUCK for morning childcare for my daughter, basically taking her to school which is 2 mins. down the road. There are no other children nearby or parents who can help out on a regular basis. The person whowas taking her has moved to Wales. No decent childminders who don't either charge the earth or live miles away from the school. It's only 2 morning s a week. And Sally has been passed from pillar to post since she was little. Both my husband and yself are teachers so we can't take her to school. The list goes on and I feel we have exha…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_4820, -
- 3 replies
ok, rose supremely to the storage jar challenge, so here's a new one for you!! We have some of those dimplex wall heaters in our group, and we currently use big, old, heavy school fireguards to keep the children away from them.BUT, they are so big, that they take up a lot of space.i'd like to invest in some 'proper' wall hanging ones, or at least, smaller ones than we, over to you my trusty sleuths!!!!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_8466, -
Just Back From
by Guest- 19 replies
the dentist! I had to have 2 fillings replaced, one on the top and one on the bottom of my right side so I now have post-dental treatment numbness and I'm trying so hard not to bite the inside of my cheek as I remember how much it hurts once the numbness has gone away! It feels so bizarre and I hate it.
More Positive Today
by Guest- 6 replies
well i had my assessor come to see me today, After all my panicking and worrying and getting myself worked up it went really well. she felt she covered all the whole unit with the unit personal, social stuff hope i do ok with that in september
Dog Sitting
by Guest- 8 replies
My friend rang me up over a week ago and said could I look after there dog for them whilst they go away for 2 weeks as the kennels had let them down. Of course I can I said, when are you going - today she said!! This was 3pm and they were going at 8pm. I have now had this dog for over a week and I am on count down to them coming back. He is lovely really, he is 12 years old, deaf, blind and diabetic. I have to give him an insulin injection twice a day. Its like having a baby in the house again. He wakes up at 2am EVERY morning and needs letting out for a wee and then again at 6am for another wee. It's a good job I am on holiday from pre-school or the child…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_8466, -
Anyone Else Here From Brighton Or Nearby?
by Guest roopal- 6 replies
Hi everyone, Just wondered who else on here is local to me; I run a pre-school playgroup in Brighton - anyone else live or work in East Sussex? What sort of settings? In fact, at the moment I am only doing paperwork for the playgroup as we are closed for the summer - phew! (I have another job so am still working part time but it's less stressful so this feels pretty relaxed at the moment. Also, I was slogging through my EYPS short route the last few months so it's good to get that out of the way, although the wait for results is tedious. Anyway, hope to hear from a few of you.... Roopal
- 6 replies
Have a wonderful day.