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Joseph Choir Search
by Guest- 3 replies
Are any other schools entering the Joseph Choir Search competition? If you have you will know what a fiasco it has been! Oh well rating is back open again after being suspended twice and you now have to register to be able to rate choirs. But if you would like to rate the choirs please go to: my school (and my sons who is in the choir) is: If you would like to rate us please visit the site. Thanks Jo
- 9 replies
Have a great day!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_64, -
- 1 reply
We did a 'magic carpet' session today, the children decided to go to a funfair. We had lots of fun on the rides then we had some candy floss, as we hadn't got enough money we had a great big one that we passed around the circle, the last but one child said 'I eat it all, its all gone!', the last child in the circle was devastated, his lip began to quiver and his eyes teared up. Its a good job I found some change in my pocket to buy him one!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_2732, -
- 7 replies
I have applied for a senior nursery nurse post with an agency. Today they have come back to me only to be told, I have worked for them before I can not apply for the post. Oh well its their loss, silly policy to have when they have sooo many nurseries around the area. I still haven't heard anything from the nursery I visited last week. I now have a bad feeling that there is some kind of problem and they have not yet told me when the interview is as they are waiting to here back from the local early years person. At this rate of jobs being adverstied around my area, I will not pass my first year as I still need to complete 350 hours of working in childcar…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_6541, -
- 10 replies
You know the green bar at the top of the page that has My blog, My control, view new posts etc? Well mine is showing minus 1 new messages. Does that mean someones not talking to me????
Last reply by AnonyMouse_3139, -
- 16 replies
Had a phone call this morning, to tell me my outside store had been vandalised................again. We had our shed broken into earlier in the year, but this time the little so and so's have totally smashed the lid off the store and broken it to pieces.......................the only bit of good news is that, judging by the blood whoever it was has hurt themselves this time.I KNOW it's not nice of me, but I'm afraid i think they deserve it.We get things like whole packs of paracetamols tipped out over our play area, broken bottles and beer name it, we get it.This last one might be in retaliation for me telling a gang of kids off for destroying…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_3139, -
- 7 replies
Hi All I was sent the following e-mail thought I would pass it on to you all for you to enjoy. This Brazilian guy is the winner of the "most beautiful man on Earth"contest... >Have to second that!! He is GORGEOUS ! >Okay stop drooling ladies! > >And get back to work!!! > > Shelley
- 9 replies
I pride myself in being quite alert and up to date, but i have been really slow in catching onto the fact that not every member is from the uk. Not sure how ive managed to not notice, but.... I was wondering what curriculum everyone else follow e.g. for 0-3, 3+ is it the same i.e. birth to three matters, foundation stage?
Last reply by AnonyMouse_64, -
Next Year...
by Guest- 7 replies
I may be back in the FS! The deputy spoke to me today and said nothing was confirmed but would I like to have R/Y1 in september. That group are a gorgeous class (think I'd have 8, 4 of each year group) and it would be so totally different to my current lot of Y3s who have LOTS of severe behaviour problems. So not definate yet, but I am looking forward to the prospect of being down in the FS and working with the nursery teacher to do some real mixing, a real FS unit.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_64, -
Happy Birthday Skippy
by Guest- 5 replies
Many Happy Returns of the day Skippy, have a good one!!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_4544,