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- 9 replies
To the Birmingham Education Show next week? I hope to be going on the Saturday, hopefully get there before lunch time. I am not working next Friday but I feel a bit scared to drive by myself for 2 1/2 - 3 hours in all that traffic. If you are going I hope to see you there. Beth
Last reply by AnonyMouse_6361, -
- 12 replies
The first hour was great, children involved, sharing, playing together. Then all hell let loose and the behaviour was awful. Back chatting, refusing to move where asked i.e. wash hands for lunch, sit on chair, nothing demanding. Silly noises at story time which led to others shouting 'I cant see/hear'. He pushed me, she squashed me, he did this, she did that. 'Look what he's doing', 'look what she's doing'. How there arent a number of fresh mounds in the playground I do not honestly know. Thank goodness I've got 2 days off
- 1 follower
- 9 replies
I got this today, and I think it's pretty interesting: New Clock 1st Line is Sec's 2nd Line is min's 3rd line is Hrs. 4th Line is Days 5th Line is months 6th Line is Years Look closely at it!! Amazing!! Click:
- 8 replies
I got my girls packed off to school this morning and was planning my morning when the phone rang. It was my lovely assistant letting me know that the Care Commission officer had turned up to inspect us. So then I had a mad scramble gathering together any extra paperwork that I thought I might need and headed down the road. We've had snow here and I almost got squashed by a bus sliding into my car, trying to squeeze past each other on a narrow road. Then 2 hours of discussion with the inspector which went very well. There were a couple of very minor recommendations but extremely positive feedback otherwise. Phew! Why do these things always happen at inopportune time…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_2846, -
Rent Rise
by Guest- 7 replies
I've just had a bombshell thrown at me today. My rent is £10 an HOUR and the church have just told me that because I get a 50% discount!!!!!! they can't afford to give it to me any longer. So over the next 4 years they will phase it out. From September my rent will be going up to £12.00 an Hour It might not seem alot put that way but its going from £300 a week to £350. From £1200 a month to £1400 I knew that they were going to do a re-organisation of the church and did think we would be the ones to be given the most problems, I did think we would have an increase but didn't realise how much they wanted us gone!!!!!! Oh well something I suppose will come up
Last reply by AnonyMouse_3139, -
The Lows And The Highs
by Guest- 19 replies
Have had a day off today, as have several days holiday to take before I leave. Have been feeling run down all day as my bloomin deputy has been ringing me to ask me things that she should be able to sort. Haven't answered the phone once to her, but it's wound me up no end. Just got home to find: 1. an email from the head of the local school (who I used to work with at another school years ago), asking when I leave, and if I haven't got a job, when can I start supply for her; 2. a telephone message from another manager's job I enquired about the other day, asking if they could meet me on Wednesday at a time convenient to me. Feeling much happier - hope the j…
Happy Birthday
by Guest- 12 replies
HAPPY BIRTHDAY Hoping all your birthday wishes come true Hope you've had a lovely day. Peggy
Last reply by AnonyMouse_3139, -
- 20 replies
Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a total mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Amzanig huh?
Last reply by AnonyMouse_2732, -
Leaving Home
by Guest- 18 replies
HI all, well i have decided that it is time i stood on my own two feet and leave home, I am 25 (26 in July) and have only ever left home twice, one to move miles and miles away and i got homesick, and the second time i moved in with a girl i worked with, we got on very well, but her boyfriend spoilt it (long story) and i moved back home. I have now been back home about five years and although mum and i have our ups and downs we are so used to living together, i am used to the hustle and bustle of having three siblings at home, and being around mum and her partner. However, recently after a lot of soul searching and emotional growth i have decided i need to live my…
Wow Blizzards
by Guest- 25 replies
It was sunny a few minutes ago. now we have blizzard conditions.. anyone else?