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- 3 replies
This week I am working in Year 1 classes on Monday/Tuesday as Foundation is overrun by staff and student teachers! I have really enjoyed myself today and I am looking forward to tommorow in Year 1, oh I want to be a teacher now! I love working with Foundation/Year 1 classes. Beth
- 2 replies
Hi anyone in the Bristol area - do you know when the Hot Air Balloon Festival is on this year and where it is please. They have stopped the one in Southampton and we would like to go see them again this year. Hope you can help. Thanks Sue J
Last reply by AnonyMouse_2127, -
Maths Help
by Guest- 2 replies
HI I am hoping to start the EYPS soon, but have been informed i need to do a maths and english equivelency test to be awarded EYPS. I have been told i can study for and take this test whilst doing the EYPS but if i don't pass the tests i can't be awarded EYPS even if i succesfully complete all criteria for EYPS. Now i was hopeless at maths at school. never took interest in it. I am pretty sure my english would be okay as i have already done a degree so my english is hopefully at a sufficient standard (i hope!). I had an example maths paper sent through with all the info for the equivelency test and my god its hard.... so does anyone have any ideas of where i could…
Suitability Meeting With Ofsted
by Guest- 6 replies
Hi everyone, I was hoping if someone could give me some advice on what the suitability meeting with Ofsted entails (so i can prepare myself). I have been informed this meeting will take place within about three weeks after starting in my new role. The meeting itself doesnt worry me, as I feel that these practices are in place for very good reasons...I just wanted to know if i will need to do some aditional revising (such as being able to recite the standards backwards, forwards and every thing else in between. Claire x
Happy Birthday
by Guest- 8 replies
HAPPY BIRTHDAY Trisha and Joanne. Hope you've had a good day and possibly getting your glad rags on for a special birthday evening. Peggy
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1027, -
Helpful Suggeations ,please!
by Guest- 2 replies
Does anyone have any ideas what to include in a child's own booklett. We were going to call it 'My Learning Journey' It needs to be family friendly and informal, yet appropriate for 2-5's in a Children's Centre. Really appreciate some help.
Happy Birthday Joanna And Trisha
by Guest- 2 replies
Have a lovely day ladies,
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1027, -
Incey Wincey Spider
by Guest- 8 replies
I have just sorted Natalie out for bed having just sorted her out in the bath. I was getting her dressed when she started running around, pulling all her toys out (delaying tactics ) and I said to her "Natalie, can you come and finish getting dressed please? It's bedtime." She stops what she is doing, looks me straight in the eye and with a straight face tells me, "Mummy, my name is NOT Natalie, its Incey Wincey Spider." It's the first time I've ever heard her come out with anything like that and it made me laugh until my sides hurt. It just goes to show how quickly they grow up. The thing is though, she has done a lot of growing up since Christmas... …
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1027, -
- 19 replies
Our fence blew down when i got home from work today - rang hubby and told him...dont laugh only wanted me out there with hammer and nails to put it back up again!!!!!!! Then went to college passed 6 fallen trees to find out college was now am sitting watch on the garden (for hubby) :wacko: with a cuppa. Seriously though take care out there its really bad.
- 30 replies
Happy birthday to you.. have a great day!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_6541,