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Its All A Bit Down In The Dumps!
by Guest- 8 replies
Hello all, we do seam to be a bit fed up at this time of year all extra stress and stuff. I would just like to say that I live near Ipswich and every one is talking about the recent events, we have reason to be a glum, it puts life, relationships, the need for money & the love of our families and friends all into perspective. We made 150 family members smile, cheer, shout & giggle yesterday with our Christmas play, all went very well, we have added our Christmas cheer to our friends & family in this scary time, in this small part of Suffolk.
Kinda Cute
by Guest- 4 replies
one of our little boys(aged4) was playing joseph in the nativity and was singing a duet with mary. anyway he changed his mind and said I just want to be a generator(narrator). I thought this was cute and thought it might cheer people up. We are doing our nativity tomorrow both in the morning and then repeated for the afternoon so wish us well, Isoppose we have the weekend to recover. :blink its the bossy king nativity and my granddaughter plays an angel and sings a duet so its fantastic as staff and a gran its twice as nice.
Christmas Help!
by Guest- 10 replies
I have asked my brother 3 times in the last week what he wants for Christmas, and he keeps saying nothing. Quite clearly I can't get him nothing! He has a partner and a 6 year old daughter. He works his socks off and doesn't appear to have any hobbies. Every year I feel like I just get him something for the sake of it. Some inspirational ideas would be FAB - help!!!!!!!!!!
- 16 replies
Well I am for a start, very busy day at school placement. Wrapping pressies, visit ks2 hall for gym display, making party hats, watch Y5 do bollywood dancing(learnt in less than 1 hour) , more wrapping pressies, yet more hats made then more wrapping pressies. -_-Most of day with christmas music playing! Boy I am tired now. I am back in on Friday to help out, especally in the afternoon, walk down for schools carol singing and play! Sooo looking forward to it!!!! So with this busy christmasy day I am soo in the mood for christmas, now just need the pressies for mum and dad then all sorted!!!! Beth
- 29 replies
I hate Christmas! But in an attempt to get all festive, I buy the chestnuts to roast (love chestnuts), and whilst piercing them ready for cooking, I manage to stab myself in the wrist with a very sharp knife. BAh humbug, now all Ive managed to do is remind myself that I shouldn't have bothered!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1027, -
More Time Wasting Stuff
by Guest- 17 replies
Someone posted this game link on the TES sighthere. I am enjoying another distraction from all the things I should be doing with my time. Enjoy
Last reply by AnonyMouse_2127, -
Not Staggering New Children
by Guest- 11 replies
I work in a foundation unit and we have just been informed that all our new children have to be in school in the first two weeks. This will mean we have all the reception children and the (old) part timers in the first week. this is 25 part time children that will be full time. 19 (old) full time children, plus part timers. In the second week we have to bring in 26 new children,10 in the am and 16 pm. altogether this is 66children and four staff. Lets hope we have another miracle this christmas are any other local authority making this decision. we have been told the school hasnt got a choice in the matter. I always thought it was good practise to stagger the new…
- 9 replies
HI we did our baby and toddler xmas sing along today, 15 children, loads of parents and relatives etc.... only one crying child, and all went well. It was amazing,. It all pulled together, and parents loved it. so tommorow it is the pre-school and tweenie room nativity with a 21st century twist, can't wait,.... My first xmas as manager and its all pulling together nicely Dawn
Last reply by AnonyMouse_2732, -
- 10 replies
HI How annoying our nursery is the only nursery in our whole town that is open between xmas and new year (how annoying!!!!!!!!) and just to add insult to injusry LOL, some parents have said they will be bringing their child at 7:30 and collecting at 6....... numbers are lower over this period, but it means that someone still has to get up to open nursery (that would be me!) and stay all day till 6 (that would be me again) to look nursery up. (i have to do that one day as there are no senior staff on other than me!!!!) blame the last manager for organising that one now im sure if they told me they were open all year round, i would have turned the job down LOL, …
Last reply by AnonyMouse_2732, -
Uni Students Home+double Trouble
by Guest- 10 replies
My son arrived home for christmas he is studying in bangor in north wales. this was great , but my neice went for a scan yesterday and has found out she is expecting identical twins so this is a lovely extra surprise. Hope everyone is having a great time even if its more expensive my son eats me out of house and home ,if your family is arriving home for the holidays.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_79,