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Feeling Really Bad
by Guest- 7 replies
I feel really fed up. We had one of our nativity performances today. We do ours as a FS/KS1 combined. It was lovely - the children did really well and looked beautiful. I could count, though, on one hand the number of parents who said they enjoyed it or 'thank you'. We provided all the costumes and only asked parents to find white socks or tights and a lot of them moaned about that, 'We haven't got any white socks' or 'Where can I get white socks from?' being typical refrains. I know we don't do it for the praise but still... Plus not everyone comes and helps set up the staging/seating until I went and directly requested that they come and do it. Then one of them star…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1490, -
Toddler Advice Please
by Guest- 6 replies
One of my colleagues is having problems with her 2 year old son waking up about 5am every morning, rattling the bars of his cot, shouting of her constantly and waking the entire household, including her other son who is 4 years old . She is going in every morning to settle him back down again but as he has another hours sleep, all his family are then awake!! Has anyone got any good ideas what she could do?
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1027, -
Nativity Tableau
by Guest MaryEMac- 3 replies
Today for the first time ever our playgroup produced a Nativity Tableau in Church. We had all worried ourselves sick about whether they would cope with it but all the children were absolute stars. Practising the 'Navity Tablet ' as it became known was a bit like trying to knit fog The church was full and they were brilliant. They even did a photo call at the end !! Yes we will do it again next year. Mary
Last reply by AnonyMouse_4544, -
- 13 replies
I have just seen an adverted for a playgroup manager in one of my local papers, sounds interesting. Level 3 or equilient, 30 hours per week term time only, closing date 20 Dec 06. What should I do? Should I bite the bullet and apply or just leave it for now? Umm I am still a few months of having all the information required for a managers postion anyway! Also I cannot find alot of information on it at the moment and I need time to compete my study task (about 1/2 way though word limit! ) as I think its a application jobby!!!! Does anyone have a playgroup managers job description for me to look at? It may help me to make my mind up or not! Beth
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1195, -
- 3 replies
My Grandchild Robin ( nearly three) is coming across from the Isle of Man with his parents for Christmas with us and lots of family. His Dad was telling him about coming and all the family being together, Great Grandparents, Uncles, Aunts, Granny, Grumps etc. and he said, " Will Jesus be there?", 'No' said his Mum. " But Jesus is everywhere', said Robin! What do we say to that?
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1027, -
Outdoor Info For Parents.
by Guest- 3 replies
Hi Is anyone willing to share there outdoor information for parents I have been given this job with not much time to do it. I need to explain the reasons why we go outdoors and the benifits . thanks so much
Last reply by AnonyMouse_4544, -
Happy Birthday Susie65
by Guest- 7 replies
Hope your enjoying red wine, vodka or chocolates or even persuading your eldest child to babysit whilst you Do all those things!!! (I read your profile!!!) HAPPY BIRTHDAY
Casino Night
by Guest- 4 replies
Nothing to do with school!!!! Want to hold a casino night at Christmas with a roulette wheel, chips etc and wondered if anyone knew where to get one. I have tried Argos, ebay and Amazon without alot of success.
My Poem
by Guest- 7 replies
I have been asked to go to India as a guest and although i cannot go (home commitments) im flattered to have been asked. In January 2007 the Montessori movement will be celebrating its centenary. I wrote a poem about Maria Montessori and the centenary which was published on the centenary website. A fellow Montessori teacher read it and has asked me if she can publish it in a journal, she also invited me to be an hounary guest at their celebrations in New Deli. Secretly i would really love to go wouldnt it be a great learning opportunity for me and for my children. my boss says i should go and said she would come with me. just wanted to share my news with …
Last reply by AnonyMouse_79, -
- 8 replies
A very happy birthday i hope you have lots of fun.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_6021,