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- 11 replies
How many obs do you do / expect for each child over a six week term? We have been having lots of discussions over the last few weeks and want to sort before new preschool year. And how do you decide what they will be etc., ? Any support on this would be appreciated as new setting seem to be going mad on obs.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_30128, -
- 16 replies
So if you were going to teach 8 nursery rhymes (hopefully to cover several subject areas) What would they be?
Last reply by AnonyMouse_30128, -
- 5 replies
Don't know if this news item would have gone out in other areas, but signatures are required for ALD screening to take placed when babies have the heel prick test. The news item I watched today showed a young boy who was struck down with this brain disease shortly after turning 9 years old, perfectly ok before that. It does affect more boys than girls, but if found early, i.e. the heel prick test, then bone marrow transplant can be scheduled and a normal life had. The US has 13 states where the screening is carried out and in Holland it is too. Click the link, please, and sign this petition.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_19782, -
- 10 replies
Hope that you have a great day lovely lady x
Last reply by AnonyMouse_19762, -
- 8 replies
Time was when first I arrived on this site (well its predecessor actually) I was youthful, an underling and still training.....level 3,4 and OU degree and many roles, many years later I have retired! I have left on a high and am now spending more time in my garden, walking and reading! Just wanted to say thanks to all of those over the years who have helped, been a shoulder, given me guidance and shared ideas, fought battles with me and although I am hanging up my crayons I shall still be popping in here from time to time to catch up with the other oldies.
Last reply by Jules, -
- 15 replies
So, I was browsing pinterest as you do (the bread dough is rising, the tomato soup is simmering and the ironing is looking at me) and came across a book clock. Like this one here: I was pondering whether it would be possible to do a children's version so started trying to come up with possible books to use. So far I've managed 101 Dalmatians (!) and Five Children and It neither of which were quite what I had in mind so I thought I'd put it out there as a bit of a FSF challenge - can any suggest ideas for picture books that I could create a book clock out of?!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_26037, -
- 7 replies
Have a lovely day my little black and white furry friend x
Last reply by AnonyMouse_19782, -
- 1 follower
- 19 replies
I've just registered for this as it is now open to workplaces of less than 50. I know we are all supposed to get them form the 22nd - but I thought I'd try and get then sooner as we now have all the children back and the school already have them. I've got through hurdle one, and I think I now have to wait to be approved.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_8282, -
- 98 replies
What's everyone up to this week? Working, not working, retired or anything! It's Tuesday, and I've done nothing since last Wednesday !🙀 Other than watching TV that is.... I feel I have 'walked' our area out now, and everywhere is sooooo muddy- that walking takes real concentration to stay upright at all times!! Unless I 'street walk', but then I might meet people and be expected to chat - and I've discovered I quite like being anti-social these days ( well there is only so much chit-chat you can do at the moment) Not worked on any TLD list - I've decided they will all be done worked/on during working hours from now on. I'm amazed to find I actually just ma…
Last reply by SueFinanceManager, -
- 7 replies
Many happy returns!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_26037,