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5,928 topics in this forum
Auction Of Promises
by Guest- 6 replies
My pre school will make a £10,000. loss this year. We run 5 mornings per week are able to take 16 children per session but only have 6!. Looking ahead next Sept 07 we will be running very close to full capacity. (Have lots on waiting list) I'm sure that there are lots of pre-schools like us. Having to cut the staff working hours, reduce staff completely or like myself go voluntary. I do lots of fundraising for the pre-school from selling my own childrens toys/videos which they have grown out of to organising raffles, sponsors and doing village fetes. This latest one is a Promise of Autions. Our local pub is holding this event on their premises which is gre…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_705, -
Eid Mubarak
by Guest- 7 replies
Hi all, Eid Mubarak to all u guys out there celebrating Eid. Love Flowerxxxxxx
Last reply by AnonyMouse_4544, -
- 17 replies
Just received an email from my head OFSTED has been cancelled SATs abandoned pay doubled all people who work with children will get a free holiday in barbados wouldnt life be great if Carlsberg ran the DFEs?
- 11 replies
Does anyone know how this hoilday sneaked up on us? Last thing I remember was starting the new school year, well they do say time files when your having fun!!! Especally when your on the FDey course. I think I will have to put up with working all year round unitl I find a job that allows me to work term time only. The long holidays will help me to rest and complete college work without stressing out too much. Anyway I have been at college today, last one before half term. Yippee we get next week off not!! Lots of work to do, reading and homework tasks 3 in total. Some of the 39 students including myself get the luxury of a week of to complete all what w…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_6593, -
I Dislike My Job
by Guest- 14 replies
Sorry, before I start, I have a feeling that this could be quite long so apologies in advance. Basically, I have been working in a local pre-school for the last 6 weeks. My supervisor and I don't really get on even though we have both tried to kid ourselves that we do. I feel totally excluded from the team and I feel I have made every effort to ingratiate (sp?) myself with them, all to no avail. It was supposed to be a great opportunity for me, going there as I have just started the FD and I am looking to professionally progress. To be honest, I hear of some of the settings on here and the things you are all doing and I get frustrated because I work in a place th…
- 18 replies
Oh dear. you may remember that before chnaging my avatar for the 'make a stand campaign', i had for many years, my wiggling fish... i thought i had saved him somewhere but have searched high and low and alas, he is nowhere to be found. Can anyone help out a weary old woman? I'll be eternally grateful... (might even give you a gold star!)
Last reply by AnonyMouse_4544, -
- 7 replies
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH (stamps feet, screams and gets angry) That's better! What a day!!!!! you know its been one of those days where the time fairy has been pinching time. I get to work at 9, find a pile of paperwork on my desk... followed by staff demands/ needs and of course moans... look at the clock and my god its 12 ~ time to cover lunches... cover a lunch and then have my own and now its two Random phone calls about this that and the other forcing me to go off and find information... and then its now 4:30 deputy goes home at 4:30, senior decides she is ill and also goes home. Dawn to cover rooms..... (hmmm wishing i could cut self in half as needed in…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1027, -
- 2 replies
hi steve, I have had two emails asking me to register again and i have already done it via the cheshire forum can you advise me before it cuts me off agoin please?
Last reply by AnonyMouse_2846, -
Life After Pre-school
by Guest- 10 replies
Well, after so many tears and anxious moments, I can honestly say life is very good at the moment. I could never imagine working in an environment without children and a great team of girls, but It's happened. I started work at the beginning of October for the National blood service (just a bit different!) and I just love it! I wanted a job where I could either care for people or to do something worthwhile and I have that. I mainly deal with people that donate platelets for patients that are ill. There is so much to learn, but after only a couple of weeks, things are going well and I look forward to going in each day. My home life is better too - I'm relaxed and it's…
Playground Markings!
by Guest- 5 replies
Does anyone have any unusual ideas of how we can onclude some markings in our playground. I hate bike tracks and the usual number type. Need some open-ended ideas - PLEASE Thanks a million Rosie