Staff Lounge
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- 11 replies
Staff_meeting.docHI all i have the interview for the managers job tommorow, i have to do a presentation of the nurseries up and coming Ofsted inspection, and how i would deliver a staff meeting about it. attatched is my presentation, what do you think, any feedback appreciated. not attatched, but also included in my presentation is the list of the 14 national standards, the five outcomes and a sheet about what the inspector will look for on the inspection,..... these sheets i will refer to in my 'mock' staff meeting Dawn **** forgot to say the bit in bold is the bit i will be talking through on the interview***
Qualification Controversy
by Guest- 10 replies
Anyone help, a member of staff has just finished the C&G Level 3 Childrens Care and Development Award, allegedly equivalent to NVQ 3 Early Years Care and Eduaction, sparking off a dispute within the workforce, another member of staff is NVQ3 and this took her 2years to complete, the C&G took one year and the member of staff can supervise although she has only 1yr experience!! I have been asked what I think and to be honest I do no the NVQ3 seems so much more involved how can it be equivalent to 1years work?? Anybody else had this problem??
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1027, -
Some Light Entertainment
by Guest- 6 replies
I Cursed The Fish..... Oooppssss
by Guest- 3 replies
The other week i suggested that i would happily trade our nursery fish for snails... well i cursed it hee hee, because i got to work this morning at 7:20 to find two of the three fish floating at the top of the tank... all i can say is yuk! i never seen a dead fish (except of course in tesco's ) and it was horrid.... needless to say the fish were sent to heaven (the bin outside) and the children have been full of questions about heaven and how the fish got there.... so one more fish to go and i get the snails hee hee.... but when the next fish passes away it would be nice if it did it when im not opening up.... two dead fish is enough for me... my manger found it highly…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1027, -
- 5 replies
Apologies for the absence of the chatroom. I've now figured out what was going on and it's all up and running again!
Yummy Mummy!
by Guest- 9 replies
Yet again, I have been dormant for a while!! Actually, not at all dormant...but super busy juggling work and family life. Going back to work part-time sounded like a dream when I was pregnant, but the reality was trying to squeeze a full-time job into part-time hours with part-time pay, whilst juggling family life. Enough was enough, I felt that I couldn't offer the full committment needed in my job and I love being a mum so much that I handed my notice in and leave at the end of the summer term. It was a hard decision (as I love my job) but now I can't wait to finish and be with Thomas full time! I'm sure that so many of you can empathise and I feel so lucky…
Noisy Neighbours
by Guest- 8 replies
Hi all, just needed to have (yet another!) little moan ! I live in a small block of flats, there are 22 in total and we are on the ground floor. This is great on shopping days as I don't have to struggle up the stairs with the shopping, the buggy and a mischevious two year old. A couple of weeks ago, the woman upstairs returned to her flat. She had been gone for ages and it was nice not hearing her banging across the floor as she walked. She is very heavy footed. This particular night, however, she was having a screaming argument with her boyfriend which sounded so loud and violent, the police were called. They were obviously fighting physically and I could hea…
Computer Trouble
by Guest- 3 replies
HI all my sister managed to download a virus(accidently) that wiped out my whole harddrive, my computer was out of action for a day and i missed coming here lol should i be concerend at my withdrawal symptoms, hee hee My sister learnt her lesson £ 40 and a new hardrive later (and a very skilled friend of my brother to fit it).... i have lost ALL my work of the computer, which will seriously teach me to back stuff up to disk... could scream,...... but i am glad im back in action..... hmmmm, now to get ready for the managers interview!!!!, me thinks i am going to have a stresful weekend..... Dawn
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1027, -
- 46 replies
Hi all - As I've just posted in the forum news section this topic can be used to discuss any aspects of the new forum software. There are many new features which I won't go into at the moment as my eyes have gone all whirly with the last seven hours of upgrading. I'm aware that some bits are looking a bit odd - and it may be a day or two before you're able to re-subscribe if you're coming to the end of your subscription (anybody with withdrawal symptoms is welcome to email me and I'll happily extend your subscription till this is functional again). One strange thing is the little boxes around the topics on the front screen. You'll only see this if you use intern…
Last reply by Steve, -
A Bit Down 1 2
by Guest- 32 replies
I am having a bit of a bad day today and (sincere apologies!!) I need to get it out of my system. I have been going to the gym now for two months, and considering I didn't 'do' exercise, I'm really pleased with myself. I go 4-5 times each week and do an hour and a half's exercise each time. I also go to a slimming group and the weight is refusing to leave . Getting really fed up with it. It doesn't help that I slave over a hot stove to make nice healthy dinners for my lot, and then they turn their noses up at them. They've been told now that if they don't like what's on offer, they can sort themselves out, because I refuse to cook loads of different meals for e…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_4495,