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- 3 replies
To anyone celebrating Wesak this weekend, enjoy your celebrations, and enjoy some peace and serenity.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_73, -
Quietly Amazed
by Guest- 9 replies
WOW!!!! I Had a great day today at work normally im ripping my hair out come wednesday, as we have several boisterous boys that are all fulltime and seldom listen. well today i swear someone abducted my normal pre-school children (however much i love them they are little devils) and replaced them with little angels.... they all listend to me and the other staff member as we told them of the day's activities. They all realled of our 'rules', ie no hitting, shouting etc... and then they stuck to the rules, they didn't hit, and seldom shouted... and me and the other staff didn't have to use loud voices at all..... i want to dance round the room and thro…
Need A Good Old Moan!
by Guest- 17 replies
Just need to have a bit of a moan. At home time parents come into the classroom and we hand their child over to them. If someone other than the expected adult is collecting them it has to be written on a signing out sheet by the childs parent. I was on a course the other day and we had a supply teacher in. A childs grandmother came to collect him and her name was not on the list - she regulary collects him but the supply teacher did the right thing and checked with our nursery nurse that he was ok to go with nanna. The nursery nurse was phoning another parent who had not put a name on the list. The nanna was waiting only 2 or 3 mins but became very aggressive saying she s…
Alphabet Flash Cards
by Guest- 6 replies
Hi all, can any1 help me please. Will b very grateful if sum1 could tell me where I could get alphabet flash cards. I mean the ready made ones, that I can download and print off. Honestly it will save m making them. Thanks in advance. Flowerxxx
Will Power
by Guest- 5 replies
I've just eaten my last EASTER EGG, and I only got 3, how's that for will power then Peggy
Just Wondering
by Guest- 6 replies
HI This is probably in the wrong place, its kind of a training question, but not.... lol i want to go on a first aid course, it runs on a thurs 6-9 for three weeks, i have been told i can go on it for free (as part of funding in Cheshire area) but my nursery will not pay me for it, nor give me time back for doing it. If i did it in the working day (i can't however as there is not one in the working day), but if i did do it in the working day then i would get time back or get paid for it... so what's the difference with me doing it in my own time. Am i wrong to assume i may have got paid for it (or at least time back). and the other thing is in the main…
Happy Birthday!
by Guest- 8 replies
Hi Carolyn! Just a quick note to wish you a very Happy Birthday!! Have a lovely day and be sure to let us know what you have been up to!
- 27 replies
I've been trying to put a picture of our new kitten on here but keep getting a message that there has been an internal error and I'm to report it to the webmaster (Steve?) telling what time it happened and what I might have done wrong!!! I havent done anything wrong. Is anyone else having problems? (Please say yes!)
Last reply by AnonyMouse_73, -
Am I Being Oversensitive?
by Guest- 12 replies
Okay, well im way new here lol, but thought id ask your opinion I started my job about 7 weeks ago, as a senior nursery officer. My role entails that i work under the deputy manager and nursery manager, i am based in pre-school room, but also have office duties etc... although most the time i am in my room with the children. A couple of issues are arrising, firsly staff can not accept that i am 'third in charge' and thus pay little attention to me when i have to assert the 'senior' side to me and my role. how do i overcome this? There is one member of staff who has taken an instant dislike to me, i have now found that she went for my job (when it was adver…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_705, -
Happy Birthday
by Guest- 8 replies
How great to have your birthday at the weekend. Hope you have a lovely "you" day, or two, why not stretch out the celebrations for the whole weekend, I would. Peggy