Staff Lounge
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5,928 topics in this forum
by Guest- 9 replies
Ok Marion! I give up! I have been searching and searching following your avatar 'craze' at the moment and cannot find any avatars that are quite like yours! I have been on to clip art and I am amazed that people have managed to use pictures from there as it won't let me! Any ideas where I could get a nice avatar please???? Thanks!
I Need Some Tlc
by Guest- 20 replies
I desperately need someone to help me feel better about the following things: 1. Having to fill out all the bits on the SEF that relate to the Foundation Stage. The reason given is that no-one else knows anything about it and they trust my judgement! I have found this highly stressful as it has made me realise that the only person monitoring me I do what I think is right but that doesn't mean a great deal does it? None of us would do things deliberately wrong but sometimes you need another view to help you see things you're doing wrong or things that need tweaking. My Head and the deputy (both men, KS2 trained) say that they trust my judgement and they're hap…
Happy Birthday
by Guest- 8 replies
Happy Birthday Ruth, hope you have a great day and it's as sunny where you are as it is here in Kent. Peggy
I'm A Great Aunt!
by Guest- 25 replies
I have just become a great aunt! My nephew and his wife had their first baby yesterday and this is the first grandchild in our family. It is a girl, 7 lbs 2 ozs, I don't know her name yet but I am so chuffed! It is going to be a great year for us-a new baby, my mum will be 80 in July and Gavin and I are celebrating our 30th wedding anniversary in November. I am really looking forward to meeting this new member of our family. Linda
- 11 replies
Congratulations Sue R!! Another 1000 posts! What alot of words of wisdom!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_64, -
by Guest- 8 replies
Okay so I'm a newbie on here with a grand total of 8 posts to my name, but I feel confident that you'll read the following rant, and ooh and ah in the appropriate places to make me feel better (please do)! You seem a lovely bunch! I'm in a nursery with two members of staff who have been working in said nursery for AGES. By AGES I mean the best part of 25 years. This experience is invaluable and don't get me wrong they are lovely women and good at their jobs. But... ...they are both so stuck in their ways, its unbelievable. I've been there for four years and still feel like the new girl. I often hear the comment 'well we've always done it like this', whic…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_3139, -
Temper Tantrums
by Guest- 6 replies
Hi. Just wanted to let off some steam and everyone I know is busy out enjoying the sunshine! I am having a thoroughly rubbish day and am really fed up! My housework has been left for days, meaning that there is now clothes, toys etc strewn all over the place. My bathroom, which I pulled apart 2 days ago and scrubbed from top to bottom is in the same state it was in originally, there's wet washing all over the place and I can't get out into the back garden (we live in flats) to hang it out because I can't find my keys to get back in again. On top of all that, I can't get my head around any of the planning for next week, there's work papers strewn in amongst the cl…
Feeling Down
by Guest- 4 replies
I am feeling so gutted today! A brilliant member of staff has been offered another job......its to be an NVQ asessor on £8K for 20 hours per week AND free after school and holiday care for her two children!!! Well who wouldnt take that offer up? How can we, a sessional pre-school, compete with that!!!! Dont get me wrong, I am pleased for her, but will miss her loads!! Really it just emphasises (?) the poor pay and conditions that many childcare workers get! Sorry to moan!!! Jenni B x
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1027, -
Broken Jaw
by Guest- 11 replies
Hi all My 18 year old has just broken his jaw - has anyone on the forum any experience of this as the hospital haven't given us much information on how to cope with not being able to open your mouth for at least a fortnight, possibly longer! All we've been told is a liquid diet and as little talking as possible. thanks Debbie
- 9 replies
Happy Birthday Jennyk. and to the others sharing your birthday today. Hope its been a good day for you all.