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In Danger Of Closing 1 2 3 4
by Guest- 90 replies
Hi all, I desperately need suggestions on how to keep our pre-school open. It is a lack of children in my area that has caused us problems. Last year the committee used up our buffer to keep us going and now we have no money and very few children to keep us afloat in September. They are going to hand us all our notice in the middle of June and as the pre-school has been going for over 30 years it seems sad to let it close without a fight. (yes I know I am looking at it through rose coloured glasses, but I don't want to see it close). We are fund raising and visiting local toddler groups in the hope of drumming up some more trade but it is still not look…
One Week Down....
by Guest- 16 replies
Well, Ive done it atlast, have just completed my first week in a Nursery school. I think I did OK. Lots to get used to and whoever said it was easy!!!! I'm exhausted. The kids and staff are great and I'm coming in just when BIG changes are being planned for September. The observations take some getting used to and all that recording in learning journals takes forever, so my hats off to you all I hope that I will do well in this area. I love it, but am racking my brains for ideas. The set up is thet we have 1 area a week to pln for. This week it's my turn for the creative area inc. Art Music, sand and water. Felt figures largely in my plans this week as do tweezers…
- 10 replies
while on a shopping trip to Bristol I found a Hawkin's bazaar. They stock "items you thought had gone forever and things you never knew existed." I found lots that I had been searching for , and some I wasn't!! worth a look at the web site Hawkin's Bazaar Inge
April Showers
by Guest- 2 replies
Hi everyone, Just thought I'd share a good day We have been looking at materials, but have linked it in with weather and days of the week by using the book- 'Mr Wolf's Week. Today we used pieces of plastic bags to create people colages in the rain-runny blue paint dribbling down Outside we wove pieces of plastic bags on a weaving fence and then after having a lot of fun with these the children took it in turns to pour water over me bent down under my umbrella. They thought this was hilarious and everyone wanted a go-lots of negotiating turns by themselves, lots of learning . Now why didn't I have my camera ready! …
Open Day
by Guest- 1 reply
I am a volunteer running a new Nursery which opened in September and would like some help/pointers please on recruiting new childreen for September. I will have 8 children leaving me this summer to start school. So I need to have a reservation list of childrens name that are eligable to start ( 2.1/2 yrs old) in September. (I have been told that the 'Autumn Terms' are usually quiet for pre-schools). I am going to go to the local Parent and Toddler group that meets up each Tuesday and Thursday, but, would like to have an 'open afternoon'. (as the Nursery only opens in the morning) for potential new children. Has anyone held one of these?. How have you run thi…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_3139, -
- 9 replies
Ok Steve, Help needed, i had a lovely avatar which many commented on how lovely he was.....(bouncing eeyore) Changed it for an easter egg for the break..... then you upgraded the forum (for the better of course ).....but.. i cannot upload my old avatars now ....system wont let me.... Please advise......
What A Horrible Day
by Guest- 12 replies
In the setting we got new staff, new supervisor who is doing everything to sort out things, setting just be decorated and areas need a bit more developing; outside we getting new fence(work in the proces), can,t go to uor usual play park Nwe staff pulling you for sleave, asking questiones. I been 'floter' today and supose to help where help needed and it seems to me that I was looking for lost things, sorting computer to print pictures for new children, getting children of the tables ! New staff will leave them and go, I don't know where and I felt screaming and crying :wacko: It is only 3 old members of staff and 4 new and is awfull. I know that they do not k…
- 24 replies
This was sent to me by a friend so thought I would share it with you lot as it made me smile. Apologies to those for whom English is not your first language! Reasons why the English language is so hard to learn: 1) The bandage was wound around the wound. 2) The farm was used to produce produce. 3) The dump was so full that it had to refuse more refuse. 4) We must polish the Polish furniture. 5) He could lead if he would get the lead out. 6) The soldier decided to desert his dessert in the desert. 7) Since there is no time like the present, he thought it was time to present the present. 8) A bass was painted on the head of the bass drum 9) When shot a…
Happy Birthday, Magpie
by Guest- 3 replies
Happy Birthday, Magpie Hope you have lovely time
Last reply by AnonyMouse_64, -
- 17 replies
Future deputy of the group was to write up all planning after meeting with other staff over hols. I came in today to no written plans, and she had changed the planned topic from boxes to hospitals, which was on the long term plan for later this half term. No reason except she didnt think it would matter. When I asked if she had done an activity plan for the hospital, or any other area of the room she said she'd forgotten to do any. None of the long term plan had been followed for hospitals, no ambulance booked, dentists contacted, leaflets from GP collected, forms or lables sorted, nothing, zilch, nada. By 9.20 I had a headache. This woman is level 3 qualified and is fryi…