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- 12 replies
We have decided to have names instead of colours for the 5 keyworker groups at Pre-school. We have come up with a few ideas (robins, kingfishers, wrens, blackbirds, sparrows - hedgehogs, badgers, squirrels, .......... , ............ - ducklings, chicks, piglets, lambs, ............... - but nothing inspiring really. Does anyone have any wonderful ideas please?? Sue J
Message For Geraldine
by Guest- 6 replies
Hi Again, Did you find any book titles for brain gym for the under 5's?? Thanks in advance if you did!!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1027, -
- 7 replies
Hi all, I need help and advice I have been invited to join a small team (doc and midwife) who are giving their services to help develop a centre in a small tribla village deep in the hill side of a developing country. They have just establsiehd a learning cnetre for the children but have not got any regualr teachers to hlep them. The plan is for me to go out there for 2-3 months to help establish some creative learning as well as basic numeracy amd english. It seems very exciting and i am thinking serioulsy of joining the team. Numeracy equipment gathered seems to transecend language barriers but i find that the Jolly phonics and other equipment is not really sui…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_79, -
- 157 replies
Hi Can anyone help me because I think I am either losing touch with reality and the world that we live in or I am just slowly going mad. I read things, see things, listen to things and don't get it. Here's the rant; I don't understand the way parents talk to their children I don't understand the way children talk to their parents I don't understand the lewd stories I read in the papers about minor celebrities sex lives I don't want to understand some of the horrific stories on the news from around the world I don't understand television programmes anymore, things on before the watershed seem far too explicit to me And I don't understand television advert…
Last reply by SueFinanceManager, -
- 49 replies
by the way mimi i'm looking for someone who knows why I can't change my Avatar. Sand_play.doc
- 12 replies
Had a horrible morning, parents complaining they didnt know there was a teddy bears picnic which was decided in my absence by a staff member who didnt even write up a plan for it and shouted when the children ran round 'you are supposed to be at a picnic'. Apparently I've not been recording the fee's correctly in the book, another parent told me she wants her 3 year old to be writing her name and we ran out of sugar so I couldnt have a cup of tea. Remember Bilbo when he said he feels thin 'like butter spread on too much bread?' Why am I doing this? Answers on a postcard please or in book form or on the back of a stamp.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_2732, -
Happy Birthday Glmaidment!
by Guest- 9 replies
Happy birthday Gail. Hope you have a lovely day! Linda
- 13 replies
Hi all - In the next couple of months we will be changing the appearance (very slightly) and features of the forum. I'd like some feedback on the appearance side if you have a moment please: Because many members seemed unaware that there were many other resources on the site aside from the forum itself, I carried the navigation menu you can see on the left hand side (the block of options that starts with Home and ends with Resources) through from the site's other pages into the forum. The question I'd like some feedback on is how many find this useful. Do you like having access to this menu throughout the forum, or would you prefer the whole screen to be used. If…
- 35 replies
I've just had a brilliant morning, I had 3 children at a time sit with me and told them that snack today was bread and butter, but that I'd forgotten what to do, and needed their help. On the table was a knife, plates, loaf and a tub of buter. I asked them what to do first, and after staring at me and explaining more clearly one girl said 'put the bread on the plates'. I put the loaf on the plate and got loads of giggles and 'no silly'. I asked questions from start to finish until each child had produced a piece of bread and butter. Speading the butter (marg) was abit difficult, but I wasnt really doing it for that. They had to think really clearly and I got some great ob…
- 8 replies
Hello, computer has been away for 24 hrs but now it's back I cant find any posts from while it was away. Was the site poorly, did everyone decide to do the ironing instead of chat? Or is computer ill?
Last reply by AnonyMouse_64,