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- 22 replies
I've been back at work for almost two weeks now but I know that most of you will be preparing to go back in September. The site has been really quiet over the summer with people on holiday but it has started to pick up again, so I'm presuming you're all coming back after your break. I just wanted to stay hi to everyone who has been absent for the last few weeks. Hope you had a good holiday and are ready for the new year ahead.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_2732, -
Local Support
by Guest- 26 replies
Hi Was just wondering if there is already any mention on this forum that I haven't come across yet, of finding people who are members in the same geographical area? If not, would anyone be interested in such an idea? I teach the reception class in a single form entry school and find it quite isolating as it is so different from the rest of the school. I would not want to cut off all contact from the wonderful forum members around the country / world, but just feel maybe the opportunity to talk to someeone in the same LEA, share ideas between schools, maybe visit each others school, let others know of coursees / opportunities in the local area, and maybe even socialise…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_79, -
Too Much Rain!
by Guest- 21 replies
We had the most horrendous storm here yesterday tea time. It was like something they get in Florida with the rain lashing down and the wind blowing. I can honestly say I have never seen rain quite like it!!! So I decided to call into work this morning and lo and behold when I got there we were flooded It took my deputy and I the best part of 3 hours to clear it all out! I just hope this rain clears up soon so that we can enjoy some good weather!!! Linda
- 5 replies
Hi If you are interested in setting up your own web site try the following address (its easy and free) I have used it to set up my groups web site Carol
Last reply by AnonyMouse_2732, -
So Who Watched It?
by Guest- 14 replies
So did you all watch the program about nurseies this evening? It was very sad to watch those poor babies being abused in such a way. We all know it goes on but to sit and watch it was very alarming. I do feel they missed a vital opportunity though to show the good side of child care by not broadcasting the nursery that she had worked at that was good. But, as always, it's only the bad stuff that the media feels is newsworthy. I must say though that OFSTED came in for a fair amount of critisism too and rightly so. I think most of us have suffered at some point at their hands and it needs to raise standards too. And it was obvious from the program that parents are kept …
- 6 replies
Leo, Hope you'll get more withdrawal symptons and log on again from India. If you do then HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! I hope you're having a fantastic time.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1027, -
Golden Moments 1 2 3 4
by Guest- 100 replies
I was just browsing around the site and thinking how interesting all the topics are and how conscientious and dedicated we all are to our jobs, that this is a great site for getting things off your chest, gaining support etc etc. I was then reminded of an idea from Jenny Mosley (Circle Time author). She suggested practitioners take time to write down all the cute and downright funny things children say and do and thought it would be a fab thing to do here. Sometimes we need to lift the mood and have a jolly good giggle - its also therapeutic and helps keep things in perspective. Who's going to start the ball rolling? (my own mind's gone a blank - probably exhausted fr…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_2732, -
- 13 replies
Hi all - Just a quick note to say Helen and I are off on holiday for a couple of weeks, with the children and our ageing old doggy! It's all gone hot weather and summer holiday quiet in the FSF at the moment - I'll be logging in every now and then to make sure you're all behaving yourselves ( ), but I'm not going to have regular access to a computer, so anyone who PMs me with queries or wizard wheezes and ideas will probably notice a bit of a delay in replies! If anyone has pressing problems, I'm sure Linda McDowell and Susan will be happy to help out, and they have my contact details if necessary. In the meantime I hope you all continue to have a splendi…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1027, -
- 15 replies
Hi there I noticed in one of the photos in the Recipe article (painted biscuits) that you were using a clear plastic hand shaped cutter. I haven't seen one of those before - where can I buy one? Sue J
A Good Reason To Cancel A Holiday..... 1 2
by Guest- 30 replies
I just thought that some of you might understand this and think it amusing.... We were supposed to be going on holiday this week to LA (a six hour drive from us). However, a little while ago, my children were sent an unexpected present of a butterfly house and some tiny caterpillars! We have watched these tiny caterpillars grow to an incredible size, and then a few days before our trip, they climbed to the top of their container and changed into chrisalides. The children have been captivated by it. But of course, they are due to emerge as butterflies right in the middle of our holiday! We contemplated taking them with us, but decided that a six hour drive, the…