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- 42 replies
Ok - so with the end of the holidays and the arrival of the autumn term, what are your new year resolutions. Cobweb cleaning or something more significant? New approach to staff/colleagues? More/less time doing paperwork? Mine is to follow up on things I start - starting with that bookshelf project that sunnyday got so excited by that she nearly bankrupted herself...
Last reply by AnonyMouse_22106, -
I am now siting here, at last, with a large smile on my face. We are now officially GOOD, all the poor comments will be removed and the updated version will go on-line asap. THANK YOU for your support, there were time when i really thought i was losing the plot. It's nice to know that even Ofsted can admit they were wrong. It gives me hope for the future
- 56 replies
for all of us that are term time only the end of the holidays are fast approaching - just wondered whether you did all the jobs you said you would what jobs you still HAVE to do :blink: you are looking forward to going back :rolleyes: the weather is now wet and cold so at the moment going back doesn't seem such a bad idea lol
Last reply by AnonyMouse_8282, -
- 49 replies
had a message from a parent tonight that the committee of my premises were at a local pub having a meeting tonight and the main topic of conversation was my setting and how they can get us out of the building.( so nice and loud apparantly, discussing my finances people could hear) One of the ruses they will use is to ask for the rent, in hopes that I will say no, i have used the money to rebuild fences. They will then accuse me of withholding rent and give me notice to quit. They are worried because I gave them a big lump of money to help with refurbishments to the building when we moved in and they can't repay it . I am really not sure how much mo…
- 13 replies
Hi there, I've ummed and arrrred about writing this post but as everyone here is so supportive, I've decided to write it. So, at the moment I'm pretty much overcome by anxiety about the beginning of the new term. I'm not worried about the new children and new parents - I enjoy that part! It's just everything else surrounding education at the moment. I hate observations, when I'm in the classroom I'm constantly thinking about 'what if OFSTED came in?, I know that I will quickly let school take over all my thinking time and worry about how everything is working, whether I'm doing enough and whether it is 'right'.. My observations have always been good or better and my hea…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_4562, -
- 9 replies
After going back to college (university centre) in 2006 to start the Foundation Degree in Early Years. I have finally met the basic requirements for teacher training (minus QTS Skills tests) B) . I now have my degree at 2:2, GCSE English A, maths C and science C. Next challenge is to pass the QTS skills test :wacko: and gain a place on teacher training. If only I could find the silly teacher who said that I could gain all the above qualifications (not skills tests) to go on to teacher training. Said teacher could do with a right telling off as they had no idea what I was capable of doing, after all we do say children develop at different rates. :blink: As a we…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_66453, -
- 5 replies
Can anyone help? 'Someone' was looking for a file on my computer and decided that he didn't like the layout as he couldn't find the file. So, 'someone' decided that he would change them around for me. I had them in alphabetical order, as that's what suits me. I can't figure out how to put them back in one single column, in alphabetical order. My pc is elderly and cantankerous and I am ready to kill......either the pc, or the 'someone' who did it. please help
Last reply by AnonyMouse_26037, -
- 15 replies
just thinking about my environment for september and found this... some lovely ideas...i feel a trip to the charity shop coming on!!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_30128, -
- 7 replies
hi, found these extra verses of one of our favourite rhymes - hope you like them? Two little dickie birds sitting on a wall One named Peter One named Paul Fly away Peter Fly away Paul Come back Peter Come back Paul Two little tadpoles Swimming in a lake One named Jessie One named Jake Swim away Jessie Swim away Jake Come back Jessie Come back Jake two little butterflies Flying through the air One named Billy One name Blair Fly away Billy Fly away Blair Come back Billy Come back Blair has anyone else got extra verses to a popular rhyme i wonder?
Last reply by AnonyMouse_13453, -
- 3 replies
I am sure many of you will know about the poppy art display at the tower, but did you know that you can buy one, with proceeds going to charity.. I bought mine today
Last reply by AnonyMouse_13453,