For discussion of computer hardware/software and other IT issues
213 topics in this forum
Laptops In Reception
by Guest- 2 replies
Hi all, We have two 1 hour slots to use the laptops with reception children. I tend to get just 4 laptops and work with 8 children at a time. In the Autumn term we concentrated on logging on and off and using Painter on Black Cat. This term we have been using The Tortoise and the Hare talking book, but although the children are loving this we can't use this indefinately. The problem is there aren't many resources suitable for Rec. children on the laptops. I had originally thought about using the internet - some of the BBC early years website - but am beginning to think this would be better done on the classroom p.c. Does anyone else use laptops with Rec, and …
Buying A Pc For The Foundation Stage
by Guest Tredworth- 17 replies
Hello, I've just started working as a part-time teacher in an LEA Early Years Centre. We have a range of ICT equipment but no computer. I have the job of researching and recommending the most appropriate hardware and peripherals. I know this market is changing fast and it's hard to keep up to date but does anyone have any recommendations or tips for buying. The computer will be primarily for use by the children (word processing, data handling, CD Roms, internet access) but will also be used by staff for record keeping, creating resources, etc. My research so far suggests I need a lower case keyboard, infant mouse, flat screen monitor (space is limited) plus colour p…
Whiteboards Etc
by Guest halfwaybridge- 1 reply
Do other practitioners use IT in a whole class situation? I have an e-beam as opposed to a whiteboard. It is (connected to a pc) attached to the front of a big screen TV which means that all the wires are at the back, you don't need a projector, you don't get that shadow when someone stands in front of the display etc I am interested to hear from other colleagues using whiteboards with reception and Year 1 children. What software are you using? (Successfully and otherwise!)
Last reply by Steve,