Practice and Provision: General issues
A general area for discussion, queries or suggestions
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- 3 replies
My understanding has always been that as long as a child has had a two year progress check, it doesn't need doing again if they move to a new setting after. Am I right?
Last reply by AnonyMouse_43806, -
- 1 follower
- 14 replies
I have a lovely little girl in my group, aged 4, she is bright and capable across all areas of learning, she has a wide friendship group and as I said is lovely......except She has started to tell lies - not just now and then - everyday Some of her 'lies' are completely 'harmless' - that said we always challenge what she is saying - but sadly, some of her lies are really 'harmful' and have led to some very difficult situations Parents are just coming on board now - they have finally realised that all of the completely outrageous things she is saying are completely untrue When challenged she just smiles, nods and is just not 'bothered' at all All t…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_19762, -
- 6 replies
Hi, Please can someone tell me if unqualified staff can be counted in full ratios the same as other members of staff. Also if level 2 staff are counted in ratios as level 3 staff are? I.e. 2 year olds 1-4 and 3+ 1-8. Thank you in advance
Last reply by AnonyMouse_73317, -
- 1 follower
- 27 replies
Just a quick reminder to let you know that the registration to receive a World Book Day pack and book tokens closes this Wednesday (23 November) at midnight. Please click here to register now and avoid missing out. The registration process takes less than 3 minutes. World Book Day 2017 takes place on Thursday 2 March, when we will be celebrating 20 amazing years − so please join us and DO SOMETHING BOOKY! Received this e mail today - thought I would just check they had us down as registered from a few weeks ago - not sure they did, my password wasn't accepted, so I re-registered. We will see what happens in January/February time.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_8282, -
- 3 replies
Hi does anyone have any sample questions ofsted may ask regarding the care learning and development (education side). Currently putting this together but would value some advice from those whom have recently been through an inspection?
Last reply by AnonyMouse_81268, -
- 7 replies
Hi there, I am looking for some advice in producing an Extreme Weather Policy. We are situated in a hall and I have had a couple of parents approach us on opening the doors 15 minutes early to stand in the warm as it is so cold outside. This has also happened on rainy days. The parents in question take older siblings to a local school that open at 8.55, within 5 minutes they are at our setting and therefore wanting to come in. As much as I understand the parents concerns about waiting in the extreme cold/ rain it does of course have implications for us as a setting. We are a pack away setting therefore staff would not be with the parents and children in the lobby area, as…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_77369, -
- 0 replies
Not sure if this info is of interest to anyone - it was an issue that came up at our LA Early Years Business meeting recently regarding counting Apprentices in the ratio. It wasn't relevant to me but there were many settings who were unclear. Our LADO contacted Dfe for clarification and has now forwarded this to all settings. "Dear DSL’s, At the Early Years Business Meeting and DSL Network I advised of some new guidance from the Department for Education (DfE) about apprentices working in the Early Years sector. There was a lot of confusion about this and I agreed to clarify the information with the DfE and Ofsted, and I now have a definitive respo…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_55778, -
- 3 replies
We have a little girl who is 2 yrs old, recently started with us and is really struggling to settle. She is very dependent on one member of staff and cries on and off all day - nothing specific sets her off but if her dependent member of staff needs the loo we have a massive melt down and throughout the day for no apparent reason she will start crying. It is heart breaking and I would suggest to Mum, if the circumstances were different, to perhaps wait a little longer before leaving her but Mum is battling Cancer at the moment and having lots of treatment and appointments. I cannot imagine what home life is like - parents have told the children that Mum is dying but ho…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_16365, -
- 0 replies
I've brought my after school kids home and they're well excited about World Book Day and especially the WBD Song. We played it a couple of times and I began to wonder where the girls were? Of the twenty five references only Mary Poppins has both female author and protagonist. Harry Potter and the Gruffalo were the only other books written by women and they have mainly male characters. Romans, Ancient Greeks, Mrs Trunchbull, Minnie Mouse and Little Red Hen might all arguably be female characters, but written by men. I'm all for engaging boys, and this song really has, but is it too much to ask for a girl to be mentioned at all (is Minnie a girl?). The song men…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_29641, -
- 4 replies
We have had an incident at work which is causing a lot of concern and I am not sure which way to turn or where to go - a child's behaviour has been challenging since Christmas - nothing serious but regularly pushing the boundaries and when reprimanded showing now sign of any remorse and no respect to teaching staff. Mum has been spoken to and said that he is challenging at home but said no more - even suggested that it was our fault because he was bored - that most definitely is not the case. Anyway this week during a sports activity run by an external company the child bit his own arm, seen by an adult who immediately stopped him and asked what he was doing - he replie…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_30128,