Practice and Provision: General issues
A general area for discussion, queries or suggestions
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- 10 replies
Sometimes it can be difficult to encourage parents to see the significance of play in the early years - often parents don't understand the important life skills being learnt by the under 5s. I have personally had to have the 'No, they're not just messing about with sand' conversation at nursery several times. When we first opened our nursery nearly 13 years ago we had a parents' evening where we set up activities throughout the nursery for everyone to try out. It was very interesting to see the adults playing in a very similar way to the children we see everyday - there were those that jumped straight in and made big sweeping movements in shaving foam "To see what it did…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_43, -
- 3 replies
Hi Just wondering what you all expect from your team in terms of observations per child, tracking, do you allow gaps on the baseline and in other tracking. How do you monitor this? I am trying to put a simple hand out together to enhance us to have something to references to. Thanks for any help. ?
Last reply by FSFRebecca, -
- 8 replies
Our group of about 14 children aged 2 to 5 1/2 years sits every morning in silence with one adult sitting with them, verbally guiding them (in a light way) to be aware of their posture and breathe, and another helping them readjust their bodies with a gentle touch when needed. Anyone doing something like this and wants to share ideas?
Last reply by FSFRebecca, -
- 1 follower
- 5 replies
I've just seen these in a proposal for crowd funding. I really want some. Can't quite work out how much they will be but such a lovely idea. Hope my link works. Honey.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_19762, -
- 9 replies
Hi everyone, I'm working on the second edition of my book: 'Understanding Transitions in the Early Years: Supporting Change Through Attachment and Resilience' and am looking for examples of Foundation Stage Units where nursery and reception children are integrated and move freely between all spaces, adults and activities for most, or even all, of the day rather than in separate age groupings and particularly where key person groups are vertically grouped across both nursery and reception age (3-5). I would also be interested…
- 7 replies
Hi all I am very interested to hear your views on the matter of the 30 hours free provision as next week I shall be visiting the DfE as part of a Teacher Reference Group. We don't get long to air our views within a very packed agenda but none the less, there is a short time allocation for a 'temperature check' of current feeling amongst the workforce. I would very much like to take some thoughts from Forum members regarding the 30 hours, particularly any worries/concerns... any advantages even? I am keen to hear from maintained nursery schools and maintained nursery classes but welcome anyones opinion. We don't get chance to get our views aired directly to Govern…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_390, -
- 8 replies
Hi, We're are continuing to have a dilema around our playhouse in terms of what to use it for. In previous years we have set up a range of role-play areas but find they get ruined within days even if modelled and supported. Last year we left it more open ended. We had an oven and washing machine in there plus a box of food and cooking equipment. We used it as a cafe and an ice-cream shop - led by the children's interests but found that it was often used as a dumping ground for a variety of resources and a source of frustration of having to tidy it up all of the time. Usually picking up broken resounces. There is a closable door which seems to encourage groups to shut the…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1469, -
- 11 replies
I've just spent my second holiday day in school sorting my classroom out - it's at the very much worse before it gets better stage! However, I'm having something of a dilemma. In addition to the display boards in my room I have inherited another 6 in the corridor outside it! The ones immediately outside my room around the door I'm going to use to display children's photos and a 'Welcome to...' sign' but I'm stuck for ideas for the other 3. One is about 1m square, one about 2m square the third is about 1.5 x 4 or 5 m going round a corner. I will use the boards inside the classroom to display children's work that fits our changing topics throughout the year but I'd …
Last reply by AnonyMouse_26037, -
- 12 replies
Hi everyone At times like theses anything thats free is like gold dust so I am sharing a link to a free online Early years Summit which looks like it would be great for CPD development. The summits focus is "talking with children and quality interactions". There are some great speakers and you can sign up and see the speakers from the summit at any time to suit you during the week. Have a look and share this info. with as many people as you can. Sally
Last reply by AnonyMouse_19782, -
- 12 replies
Hi all, I will call my insurer and Ofsted tomorrow, however, my D-I-L is going in for an operation this week (unless it's cancelled for a third time) my son has asked if I could help out by having my youngest grand child at nursery with me. She is 21 months old? I really want to help out - but fear I'm going to have to say no. What do you think?
Last reply by FSFRebecca,