Practice and Provision: General issues
A general area for discussion, queries or suggestions
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- 5 replies
We are having a dragon week this week following interests of the children. I'm trying to think of an outdoor writing idea and can only think of paint black on different areas as if burnt by the dragon and the children have to write a list for the headteacher. Any other ideas gratefully received?! Green Hippo
Last reply by AnonyMouse_4562, -
- 6 replies
Hi, I've been tentatively hovering my fingers over the keyboard considering whether to write this post or not in the fear that it is a bit of a silly post which will make me sound inadequate. It's that time again when I need a bit of reassurance of whether I'm doing enough in terms of enhancements and variation of activities. I enhance in relation to individual or group needs, interests and group 'themes'. I plan some enhancements for the week ahead, some on a day to day basis. They last anything from a day to a couple of weeks. I tend to follow the advice that I was given by a lady at the Early Excellence "if you can't think of an enhancement, then you probably don't n…
- 15 replies
Hi, Small world is an area that I find I'm always unsure of whether I'm providing enough. I have a shelving unit set up with boxes of people, vehicles, farm animals, signs, trees, train set, natural pieces, coloured felt and a dolls house at the side with furniture and figures. We have a swap round of the bigger resources and add to depending on interests and themes but don't have many extra 'sets'. Often when I'm trawling the Internet lots of lovely small world scenes catch my eye but often find that it takes me ages (and money!) to set these scenes up and then find them in a total mess! I want the children to use them in their own way but it can be frustrating when it …
- 1 follower
- 19 replies
I'm doing some work with my class around building colour vocabulary. The Y1s will be writing some autumn leaf poems at the end of the week and I want them to try and use more 'interesting' words. I've got some activities planned to help them develop their understanding of what different colours are. The bit I'm stuck on is the actual words! Having a mental blank so I'm asking for help - think paint colour strips! So, any additions for my lists? Red scarlet, crimson, ruby Brown chestnut, russet, bronze Orange ? Yellow golden, Green emerald, jade Blue turquoise, navy Purple violet, indigo, lilac Grey charcoal, silver As I'm doing autumn things the one…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_26037, -
- 22 replies
I'm trying to make our rules pictorial rather than just words, which I'm finding is easier said than done One (of what seems to be growing!) rule is; We walk, don't run - but I'm struggling to find a picture suitable for 2/3/4 year olds (preferably of young children) Can anyone help?
- 21 replies
Don't know about anywhere else in the country but our weather was cold, wet and windy today. In true Eyfs style we opened the doors and over half the children went out (some only lasted 2 mins!). We made sure all children had coats on and zipped and wellies on if they have them. However our problem is that we worry about coats and clothes being wet for the rest of the day? Do others use overalls on any wet day to avoid this? We have asked parents to provide them but only 1 has so far! We're asking the PTA to get us some hopefully soon! What do other's do? I'm keen on the outdoors but don't want soggy children getting cold! Thanks x
- 1 follower
- 9 replies
Hi, I've lent my Anna Ephgrave book (The Reception Year in Action) and I want to use the cup cake recipe this week. It's one where you weigh the ingredients against the eggs but I'm not sure the exact recipe. Does anyone have it handy? Thanks Green Hippo x
Last reply by SueFinanceManager, -
- 7 replies
We have story time at the end of our session the main reason being we have less than 30 mins to get EVERYTHING packed away before the next users of the hall arrive - 30mins is a struggle! We usually have 2 staff manning story whilst the other 2 start to pack away the resources into our sheds. We have a very mixed aged cohort this year of those who have just turned 2 up to those that have already turned 4 this month. We are finding it quite difficult this year keeping the little ones focussed; they are chatting, climbing over each other and getting up and walking around the room and it's getting to be a bit of a battle! We have tried to give little toys for them to hol…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_30128, -
- 9 replies
Have you celebrated this festival (Jewish New Year)? If you have, do you have any ideas you can share? I know I was part of a pre-school yeas ago that celebrated it, but all I can remember is that we had apples dipped in honey for snack. Thanks in advance! :1b
Last reply by AnonyMouse_19920, -
- 0 replies
Hi all, Our PTA have offered to buy us some outdoor equipment. I already have my eye on the A-frame climbing equipment from Sovereign I think but was also thinking of some more Den making equipment? Wondering what others use? We currently use a simple frame and have collected pegs, rope and material but am thinking of buy a kit? Is it worth it? What do you recommend? Also, has anyone purchased a good water wall that they could recommend or other PD climbing equipment e.g. The rope walk along things ( 2 ropes one to step on one to hold). We have balancing equipment and tyres but need something for upper body strength. They have suggested a new slide but I'm steering…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_4562,