Practice and Provision: General issues
A general area for discussion, queries or suggestions
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- 4 replies
Good Morning , l am a Centre Director for a Early Learning Centre in Australia , I work for a big company who have a lot of UK trained staff on the board and are constantly introducing practices from the UK . Which is not a bad thing . I am looking for some advice on the Environment rating scales for 3-5 provision . I have used the book along time ago when I worked in the UK . Would anybody like to share if they still use the process? How it works for your service? How did the educators respond to the process? Thank you Fi
Last reply by AnonyMouse_22029, -
Hi can anyone tell me as registered provider of full daycare that I have to work at the provision ???
Last reply by AnonyMouse_22029, -
Hi can anyone tell me as registered provider of full daycare that I have to work at the provision ???
Last reply by AnonyMouse_31953, -
- 1 follower
- 3 replies
Good Morning , l am a Centre Director for a Early Learning Centre in Australia , I work for a big company who have a lot of UK trained staff on the board and are constantly introducing practices from the UK . Which is not a bad thing . I am looking for some advice on the Environment rating scales for 3-5 provision . I have used the book along time ago when I worked in the UK . Would anybody like to share if they still use the process? How it works for your service? How did the educators respond to the process? Thank you Fi
Last reply by AnonyMouse_84343, -
- 6 replies
Do you allow photographs of children on other children’s Tapestry profile providing you have permission from parents ?
Last reply by AnonyMouse_79381, -
- 1 follower
- 4 replies
I think that I need to introduce some sort of form for staff to use to feedback from training attended - wondered if anyone had one that they would share?
Last reply by AnonyMouse_30128, -
- 3 replies
Hi, I am manager of a preschool which is having a new modular build, at present the preschool rents a room within the school where the build will be built. I’m looking for recommendations for insurance which covers everything including building insurance. At present the preschool uses the PSLA or EYA as they are now know by, but any other recommendations would be useful. Thank you.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_49880, -
- 15 replies
I need some support from all you lovely people...I have been criticised by one of my parents this week...for a couple of things but one of them was for having dirty dolls! She is a reception teacher so I feel really judged and wounded. I'm not saying my dolls are super clean but they do get washed! The children take them in and out during their child initiated learning time so they are going to get a few mucky prints on them! clean are your dolls? To be honest we could do with new ones but have no money and I've already spent £1000 of my own money since Christmas! I'm really struggling with this criticism. How have others dealt with criticism like this? …
Last reply by AnonyMouse_13453, -
- 10 replies
What do you have in your box? What are the requirements? Please any help, too much stuff just going out of date . Thank you.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_82363, -
- 1 reply
It's the season of transition meetings, teddy bears picnics, school visits and decisions about friendship groupings. Share with us here the most successful things you have done, either as a nursery teacher or as a receiving Reception teacher! You never know, the things you think are obvious might not have occurred to someone else and you might find an idea that you haven't tried that is 'just the ticket' for your current cohort!
Last reply by Jules,