Practice and Provision: General issues
A general area for discussion, queries or suggestions
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- 17 replies
That sounds great Emilia, that's how the best things evolve isn't it. WE just have to be on the look-out for incidents we can extend. We have some snails in a tank (from the garden) and I think they are the most boring things in the world. They only seem to move at night, so in the morning we play 'find the snail' and then that's it. They stay where they are all day so nothing else to look at! We've enjoyed finding lots of other bugs and things, but I'm disappointed in the snails. Children saved cucumber and things for them from snack and everything!!!
First Aid Kits
by Guest- 5 replies
Hi. I'm currently on yet another first aid course, this time with an excellent provider who is really challenging. As a result I have decided that we need a 2nd 1st Aid kit for when we tootle off on little walks close by etc. We have a fully stocked box in nursery to HSE requirements. We have developed a 'Bag for Emergency Evacuation and Trips' which contains lots of useful stuff including Emergency Contact List, List of medical needs, tissues, wetwipes, wrist straps etc. I now want a dedicated 1st aid kit for this too. Would you put in a whole new complete kit or a little one with the essentials? What does anyone else do?
Fine Motor Skills
by Guest- 14 replies
Has anyone got any new and exciting activities to develop children's fine motor skills? I already have peeling oranges, using tweezers to pick up jelly beans, sorting lentils and beans, scrunching lycra and newspaper . . . .
- 19 replies
Hi all, Feeling a bit down-in-the-dumps at the moment about our provision. I have all the areas of provision set-up as they should be but often feel that I'm not getting the quality there in terms of enhancements. There are some areas that the children just don't seem to want to use - especially maths. I am constantly evaluating the provision and altering it or adding other resources but there still doesn't seem to be any interest (have also planned for adults to be based in those areas to encourage children to use resources but this only seems to have a short-term effect). I try to make sure that all areas are enhanced in some-way but find it really hard to keep on top …
- 1 reply
We recently spent quite a lot of money on the garden, and it is really lovely, but i still feel that it is not inviting or stimulating enough. We have most of the provisions out, but l am stuck on how to arrange it in different areas to cover all the 6 areas, so that children can access what they want, we have a rota, but girls are not following it .
- 16 replies
So... the classroom is still flooded - now asbestos tiles are being removed from the floor. All my furniture and resources are under tarpaulins in our outside classroom and we are spending the rest of the week back in the school hall. All a bit annoying (only annoying now - before half-term I was tired so it was depressing!) so I wondered if you had great ideas to inspire me and cheer me up! If you suddenly found you had constant use of a huge open indoor space - how would you make the most of it? (It has wall bar type climbing apparatus and things and all the other PE equipment.) Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to come up with exciting opportunities …
Last reply by AnonyMouse_3735, -
Baby Seal
by Guest- 10 replies
not sure if this is in the correct place but does anyone have experience of this? I have been able to find and download materials for seal but I work in a pre-school and think there is something around called baby seal which would be more appropriate for our age group but I cant find it and have not a clue where to look. Anyone? sue
- 17 replies
I've been observing our bike play for a while now. The children continually ask to have the bikes out and when they do all they do is race around (using feet rather than pedals because they can go faster!) trying to crash into each other and although we designate an area where they can do this they constantly 'invade' the quieter space - driving through the chairs, ropes, crates or whatever we put up to show them its a 'no bike' zone. When the bikes are out some children will just spend all their time on them or trying to get back on them... Helen Bilton (in 'playing outside' and ' like bees not butterflies') suggests having two wheelers or no bikes to encourage m…
Outdoors In Winter
by Guest- 14 replies
We struggle much more with outdoor provision in Winter than at other times - I'm sure we're not the only ones! There's the problem of heat loss which was discussed recently on another thread. We struggle more, I think, with windy weather which can actually make our outdoor area quite dangerous: it's unnerving to see mats going past the window at shoulder height! We have quite a decent - sized outdoor area. Half is grassed, and much of the climbing apparatus is on here. The rungs on the climbing frame get slippery in wet weather. The rest is tarmacced. We have a shed and 2 playhouses - one wooden, one more like a cube to hide in. There is a canopy under which some act…
- 6 replies
Hi all, We are receiving the garduate leader fund and i would like to you use some of it to pay for some inspiring courses for our staff. They all have either CP, enco, Senco, H & S, behaviour mgmt; all have spirals & talking boxes training. We've been in our new building since september and have settled down into the new academic year and I'd really like to approach the team with some exciting training rather theusual mundane EYFS, additional paperwork type stuff. Has anyone found anything i may be able to use or recommend? thanks everyone Sam
Last reply by AnonyMouse_5458,