Practice and Provision: General issues
A general area for discussion, queries or suggestions
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Could anyone share some information about setting up a preschool provision in a primary school.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_62811, -
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Hello all I'm doing some planning for our staff meeting tomorrow evening (last minute as usual!) It seems a good time to think about how we work together and to have a positive view of the next academic year. We are open all year, but some staff work term time only so we have a mix of people who are feeling a bit tired and jaded, some who have come back raring to go, and some who might have felt a bit anxious about returning after the long break. I would like to use our Staff Charter (attached) to inspire and generate discussion but I'm stuck for ideas on how to go about this. I've been trying to think of a way to make it into a bit of a game/bonding/team…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_53192, -
- 0 replies
Hi all, We're a committee run Nursery who run out of a rented building upon a school site. We're hoping to set up a breakfast with the school and are looking into the possibilty of running this in the school hall. Although we are on the same site we are registered separately and would need to register the school site as an additional premises with Ofsted. Does anyone out there have any experience of this process - is it fairly straightforward/worth doing? Thanks in advance!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_69679, -
- 1 follower
- 16 replies
Hi folks! I really hope I'm going to explain this clearly and without saying anything controversial! I wondered if anyone can give me some advice, guidance or words of wisdom to help with a particularly challenging parent of a child who hasn't even started with us! I'm an Early Years Teacher at a charity-run pre-school. We're based in a primary school classroom and work in partnership with them although under our own committee. We offer full days, morning, or lunch/afternoons for children and open term time. I'm extremely proud of what we do and passionate about meeting the needs of all the children (who we take from 2) and consider their care and educat…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_25331, -
- 0 replies
There is a petition here to sign regarding getting rid of business rates for early years settings. It came via NDNA so some of you will have seen it already.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_55778, -
- 2 replies
Hi all I have a staff member joining us next week who is on the update service but has lost their DBS certificate. Her employer has sent over her dbs number so I can still check/search on the update service but do I need her actual certificate? Thanks
Last reply by FSFRebecca, -
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We are getting an interactive touchscreen for our setting and there seem to be lots of different apps/websites we could use with it. Can anyone recommend any they use? Many thanks
Last reply by AnonyMouse_52502, -
- 3 replies
We are a full daycare nursery, open all year. During term time, we have a hot lunch provided by the local primary school which we collect each day by car and bring back to nursery in insulated boxes. We serve around 30 lunches a day. During school holidays, we have been having frozen meals delivered which we heat and serve. The problem is, since the introduction of 30 hours and stretched funding, we are pretty much full every day so need the same number of lunches as during term time. But we only have a normal domestic sized oven and we now don't have the oven space to heat the meals! Our kitchen is tiny too. In the past, children brought a packed lunch a…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_30128, -
- 1 reply
Hi. Does anyone utilise the tapestry analysis information to create reports for staff. I want to prepare a short report for staff on how well/not so well children are developing across the different areas. So we can discuss this as a group and plan accordingly. Has anyone found a good way of delivering this information to a group. The charts on tapestry are a bit complicated to understand at times and I want the information to be easy to understand. If anyone has any ideas that would be great. Sally
Last reply by AnonyMouse_7120, -
- 2 replies
Hi all, Please can someone give me some advice on their sleep rooms regarding being able to see the children? Settings I've worked at before have different policies such as: member of staff being in there at all times, 5 min checks, camera monitors etc but I just wanted to see what you all thought was best? Do we need a glass panel in the door if we do 5 min checks/camera monitor etc? Thanks so much!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_82966,