Practice and Provision: General issues
A general area for discussion, queries or suggestions
1,013 topics in this forum
Pe Equipment
by Guest- 3 replies
Hi, does anyone have examples of or can point me the right direction for some guidlines on moving and handling PE equipment safely? I am looking for info for adults and children. Thanks in advance!
Winter Display Ideas!
by Guest- 14 replies
Could anyone share any ideas for Christmas/ Winter display which have been done by the children. They need to be simple as I'm working with 2 - 4 year olds. I thought about a winter Jackson Polloct type thing using a large canvas and them 'magiced' into fir trees, angels !! Would love some inspiration Thanks Sunshine
by Guest- 13 replies
Hi we have some children in our reception class who have EAL, any ideas on how to support them? Thankyou
Last reply by AnonyMouse_3307, -
Which Format To Use
by Guest- 10 replies
Hi all, i am stuck again, the problem is i have a class who are really nursery but will be full time recepiton in the summer term and i am not sure which assessment document i should be using. These children have come from a preschool that used the building a profile document and the information looks pretty accurate so should i go back over this or should i start using the eprofile document but also keep a paper copy. confued. ger
- 10 replies
Just wondering if anyone could tell me what the correct term is when a child can see an amout without counting it. Ie when playing with the large dice they could tell me it was six without having to count it.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_8466, -
Working Walls
by Guest- 1 reply
Hi Does anyone have any ideas on Working Walls in reception?? Head mentioned them today and then dissapeared
Last reply by AnonyMouse_64, -
- 4 replies
Hi all, Hope all is well, does anyone know if the New EYFS Guidance say that in nursery there needs to be a nursery teacher? We are a foundation unit and we have two nursery nurses running the nursery and a reception teacher. Have heard it's the law to have a nursery teacher. PLease enlighten me. Thanks Flower x
Last reply by AnonyMouse_73, -
Children Who Should Have Started School In September But Didn't
by Guest MaryEMac- 4 replies
Not sure if this is in the right place but here goes. We have a child in our setting who could have gone to school in September but didn't because her mum thought that she wouldn't be able to cope emotionally. I think that it was probably mum who wasn't ready to let her go. This little girl rules the roost at home, she won't go anywhere if she doesn't like the people there. Hence she is with us, not the playgroup in her own village. My question is, 'will she have to legally be in school in the term in which she is 5 which would be the summer term?' If she doesn't will that affect our registration with ofsted? Thanks in advance. Mary
Developing And Enabling Others
by Guest- 7 replies
Hi all. I am in the process of filling in a very long application form for a accelerated leadership programme and am struggling with one of the questions. The questions is titled 'Developing and enabling others - continually encourages others to perform to the best of thier abilities and challenges underperformance'. You have to say how you would help another adult to perform to the best of their abilities if that currently wasn't the case. Any ideas???? Anyone share any examples when they have done this and exactly what they did. Any input would be greatly appreciated, Thanks x
by Guest- 8 replies
Our children had such fun with the pumpkin, hammer and tees that we are tentatively stepping into a bit of woodwork this week and I'm quite scared!! I've bought some nails with big heads, a small hammer, a little saw with some spare blades (are they called fret saws?), some sandpaper and found a big slice of tree stump (think it was the stand for our christmas tree last year), a large plank and some smaller timber. We will do this as an adult directed activity with one or two children at a time. We haven't got a workbench or a vice though so I thought we would do this in our outside area where we can put it on the grass or tarmac. Please reassure me with some …