Practice and Provision: General issues
A general area for discussion, queries or suggestions
1,013 topics in this forum
Report Writing
by Guest- 6 replies
I am a pre-school manager and am just starting to write my reports. I do mine by hand and hope this isn't too unsophisticated! What do other pre-school repots writers do?! Rose
Discovery Table
by Guest- 11 replies
At pre-school we have introduced a discovery table and it is very popular with the children. We have had magnets, kaleidoscopes, mirrors, discovery bottles etc, but now we need some new ideas to inspire the children. Can anyone help? Anita
- 2 replies
HI there have done a forum search for FS policies but the only thin I found was a lost link to herefordshire website I have been asked to write one and am at a lost as its not my bag... or it wasnt until last week anyway, are there any kind souls that have got a recent example to share, pretty please with sugar on the top apple
Lead Practitioner
by Guest- 13 replies
Today I got a phone call at school from the head of the Early Years Team in our LA. She was calling to discuss the prospect of me joining the Early Years Team as a lead practitioner. This was a complete surprise as I only finished my NQT year at Christmas however I have been promoted to FS coord in my school and we have recenlty had a good ofsted. Still a major surprise - i wasn't aware that she even knew who I was but apparently the moderators I had this year had gone back with fantastic reports to her and she even asked if she could use my moderation file for some training she's doing this term as it is the best one they've seen! Anyway (sorry to go on it's just so …
Last reply by AnonyMouse_5586, -
- 5 replies
We are in the middle of planning our Art week which is after half term- the art coordinators have had the idea of bringing the world to school with each school phase focussing on an area of the world. As the foundation phase we are looking at the west (Europe/local area) and we are lost for inspiration. We hope to have something to large display that all the children have contributed to, but also individual pieces of work. Anyone recieving a flash of inspiration right about now!?!? please let me know if you do... Thanks Elfy
- 5 replies
we have just spent a lovely afternoon with a local school in their FSU which is mixed FS2 and KS1. The children not yet ready for KS1 remain for up to a year. we send several children to them each year and they invited all settings to come and visit today to see how the children have progressed over the last year and spend some time with them. Apparantly we were the only one to go, they were worried no one would turn up at all.. we were made very welcome, joined in , and children were so keen to show us their learning diaries and see us again. It has been a well worthwhile visit and hope that it will happen again next year. we now look forward to their…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_8466, -
- 72 replies
Unfortunatly I am being 'attacked' in another forum about my belief young children need to have lots of opportunity to mark make before they can learn to write!! i shouldnt take it personally cos they dont know me and I DO BELIEVE IM right! However please could we have a friendly discussion about it here Yr 1 teachers are saying we make it worse for them because boys are still 'mark making' with them and they should be taught to hold a pencil correctly before we provide mark making materials unless Im being 'stupid' and they dont mean that (the attack was a bit fierce) Am I missing something? I will admit I jumped on board and was so angry on someones reply to so…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_4544, -
Continuous Provision In A 2-5s Room
by Guest Wolfie- 9 replies
I want to help a full day care nursery "revamp" their planning and practice concerning the continuous provision in their room because the provision seems very haphazard and unplanned and I get the feeling that the staff feel that unless they're involved in an "adult directed, focus activity" they really don't have to become involved in the children's play at all. Apart from sand and water, which do you consider to be the most important areas of continuous provision in a setting for this age group? Under which headings do you decide what will be provided? The room isn't the biggest and I would say that 4-5 distinct areas is probably feasible. Do you change/rotate the a…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1027, -
Home Visits Before Starting School
by Guest- 4 replies
Hi Folks, after reading lots of positive feedback on home visits prior to children starting in Reception on here, I would like to start doing them too! Does anyone have any letters, explanation of home visits that they send out to families that they would be willing to share here. Thanks in advance to anyone who does! :1brolleyes: AOB
- 11 replies
Hi everyone Wondered if you would mind sharing your routine, would be interested to see how you do things. Here's ours. We are a sessional pre-school, running 5 mornings a week plus lunch club. 20 children per morning. Keyworkers have 6/7 children each. 3/4 members of staff (including 1 to 1 SEN on 2 days), 1 volunteer usually. 9.05 Children self register and freeplay - this gives us time to talk to parents and settle children. A register is also taken at the entrance door by a member of staff. 9.15 In theory - register. Usually 9.30 plus because we do not like to disturb children playing. Used to split into two groups for sh…